Collection: Ammonite

Ammonite belongs to the extinct subgroup of cephalopod molluscs. It is a kind of fossil with a spiral-shaped shell. This shell is rolled up like that of the snail and is made up of different cells separated by partitions. Only the last one was occupied by the animal.

This spiral shape gave it its name. Indeed, it resembles a ram's horn like the horns of Ammon which symbolizes the Egyptian god, often represented in the appearance of a ram. It was the naturalist Pliny the Elder (23 AD / 78 AD) who named ammonites in his Natural History encyclopedia.

For the record, a cephalopod is a mollusc whose head and mouth have tentacles. It should be noted that current cephalopods do not have a shell. Fossils of cephalopods like ammonites were once much more numerous.

The annihilation of the ammonites occurred at the same time as the extinction of the dinosaurs. Ammonite existed in the Jurassic period, 200 to 66 million years ago. It was found in all the oceans of the world.

Ammonite is composed of calcium carbonate. It has a hardness of 4 to 6 on the Mohs scale. For comparison, diamond has the highest hardness, 10 on this same scale. It has different colors ranging from brown to yellow to brown.

The closest descendants of ammonite are the squid, octopus, cuttlefish and nautilus. Ammonite species are excellent chronological markers because of their evolution. Thanks to their wide distribution and rapid evolution, ammonite fossils facilitate the indexing and dating of rocks.

It should be noted that ammonites can measure from a few millimeters to more than 2 m in diameter.

Ammonite is often linked, because of its shape, to the circle of life, of evolution. This fossil is known to restore the spiritual connection with nature and animals.

Furthermore, it is said that the first disc used by the Greeks in the Olympic Games was in fact a fossilized ammonite. Then according to Greek belief, it was enough to place an ammonite under the pillow to provide quality sleep or to have divine visions.

In India, ammonite evoked the god Vishnu, god of the stability of the world, god of time and it was used as an offering during ceremonies. Ammonites are mainly collected from the Gandaki River, Nepal. They are called Shaligram Shila.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, ammonite was thought to be a coiled, petrified snake. Thus, in England, ammonite is called “snakestone” or stone snake. It was considered proof of a miracle. Legend has it that Saint Hilda (614-680) eradicated the snakes that invaded her monastery by cutting off their heads. These would have curled up into a spiral and would have been turned to stone.

Psychologically, ammonite stimulates the survival instinct, brings dynamic stability, generates a strong relationship with nature. All these actions provide peace and security to the wearer of ammonite. They allow him to make the right decisions and overcome the difficulties encountered in life.

Ammonite relieves the pain felt during the loss of loved ones, during painful breakups or during unfair dismissals. It gives the strength to continue moving forward, and sometimes, to make new beginnings. It also helps to overcome challenges.

This incredible fossil helps us forget the painful past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future with peace of mind. It keeps away relationships that release negative energies. Ammonite can also convert all energies received into positivity and love. It exudes a strong protective power.

Ammonite promotes introspection and reconnection with oneself. It is excellent for meditation. It can thus explain the nature of certain blockages caused by childhood trauma. Its wearer is then freed from the ghosts that haunt him.

This fossil restores balance, which helps achieve a serene state. It develops trust in others: its wearer shows compassion and empathy. This fossil is also known to increase prosperity and luck.

In Lithotherapy, ammonite creates a serene state and therefore fights effectively against stress. It combats its numerous consequences on the body.

This fossil restores vitality and energy. Placed under a pillow, it keeps agitated thoughts away and provides quality sleep, without waking up at night or having nightmares. The wearer wakes up feeling rested. In the long run, he can consider resuming physical activity, alongside his work.

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Ammonites (Ammonoidea) are an extinct subclass of cephalopod molluscs. They appear in the fossil record during the Devonian and disappear shortly after the Cretaceous-Paleocene crisis. They were characterized by a more or less coiled univalve shell of which only the last compartment was occupied by the animal, the other compartments are used to control its flotation. Their fossils are considered excellent chronological markers. Some ammonites can be 2 meters in diameter.

The benefits: helps to accept change and the cycles of time

Chakra: Strengthens the system of all chakras