Choosing a stone to sleep well: instructions for use

Are sleep disorders ruining your life? Rest assured: lithotherapy can help you. To guide you in choosing the natural stones best suited to your needs, we will present three types of minerals: those which make it easier to fall asleep, those which improve the quality of sleep and those which beautify dreams. You can, of course, use several sleep stones with different effects. However, during a period of severe insomnia or clinical depression, avoid combining a stone for falling asleep with a mineral that stimulates dreams and imagination.

What stones help you fall asleep?

Rose quartz, a stone for sleeping well

Tranquility of the soul and peace of mind are necessary for falling asleep. If you want to find serenity at bedtime, place a rose quartz on your bedside table. This natural stone, pale pink in color, more or less translucent, has soothing properties. Its gentle energy acts delicately on anxiety, headaches and lack of self-confidence. Rose quartz is a healing stone, which is suitable for adults, adolescents, children and the elderly. When you want to increase its calming effects, try meditating in its presence at nightfall. Guaranteed effectiveness!

Amethyst and sleep, a successful association

Amethyst is one of the essential stones for sleeping well. Indeed, this superb purple mineral is known for its reassuring and relaxing character. Know that amethyst geodes (or druses), with their multifaceted crystals, have the capacity to diffuse a large quantity of energy continuously: do not hesitate to put one on your bedside table or under your bed. The action of the amethyst geode is twofold. It will help you get to sleep while recharging the stones located near it. When you go traveling, take with you a small amethyst (raw or rolled) which you will put under your mattress or under your pillow.

Rock crystal, natural stone of sleep

For all anxious people, sleeping with a rock crystal is the key to falling asleep easily. Do you struggle to stop the flow of your ideas when going to sleep? Do you tend to replay in your head the film of the past day or, on the contrary, to nervously anticipate the events of the next day? Obtain a rock crystal without delay, then place it next to your bedside lamp. This natural stone will calmly guide you to sleep. Its transparency will inspire you with a more peaceful state of mind, while its energy will encourage you to approach the next day calmly.

Which stones promote deep sleep?

1. Lepidolite, anti-nightmare stone

If you're prone to nightmares or waking up unexpectedly in the middle of the night, try sleeping near a lepidolite . In contact with the tranquilizing force of this stone, the energies inherent in your being will be harmonized and you will experience much more restorative sleep. This type of sleep stone particularly appeals to children, because of its softness and reassuring side. Lepidolite is available in a variety of different shapes: raw stone, tumbled stone, sphere, bracelet, pendant, flat stone, etc. The latter (a stone cut into a pebble shape) can be easily slipped under the pillow or mattress.

2. Celestine, a natural stone conducive to deep sleep

Just like lepidolite, celestine (or celestite) softens the nights. If you tend to wake up at dawn, several hours before your alarm goes off, this sleep stone is for you. It can help you rediscover the pleasure of long, uninterrupted nights. It is a stabilizing mineral, capable of reestablishing an essential balance for sleeping well: that between your earthly energy (yin) and your celestial energy (yang). When you use this stone to sleep better, the effects of celestine are felt both mentally and physically.

3. Sleep stones that protect from waves

Have you thought about turning off electronic devices in your bedroom before going to bed? The electromagnetic waves emitted by these objects (for example your computer, your tablet, your smartphone, your connected watch, your games console and your internet box) harm the quality of your sleep. The ideal is therefore to turn them off as often as possible, to avoid sleeping near them and to have natural stones absorbing their waves in the living rooms. Chinese tektite , shungite , black tourmaline , amethyst and rock crystal have this ability: they neutralize magnetic waves and guarantee you a more peaceful sleep. Finally, if you are looking for a radical solution to purify your interior, protect yourself against electromagnetic waves and sleep better, install a Himalayan salt lamp in your bedroom.

What stones make you have sweet dreams?

1. Apache tear obsidian, stone of dreams

Once you have regained sleep, all you have to do is cultivate your dream world, that is to say the part of your imagination devoted to dreams. Obsidian , the protective stone par excellence, protects you from negative energies.

Some of its varieties also encourage imagination and dreams. This is the case with Apache tear obsidian from Arizona: this balancing stone transmits a dreamlike energy to you, conducive to sweet and comforting dreams. It is suitable for people who cannot remember their dreams and who wish to develop their imagination. Remember to purify and, above all, recharge this powerful stone for sleep often, especially after a night full of dreams.

2. An unusual sleeping stone: the Herkimer diamond

The Herkimer diamond is a rare variety of rock crystal, which connoisseurs often call the “stone of dreams”. He owes this nickname to his characteristic, highly dreamlike and spiritual energy. Placed near the bed, this mineral causes exciting dreams, which you will enjoy interpreting once the night is over.
Unlike a soothing sleep stone (like amethyst) which can remain on a nightstand for years, the Herkimer diamond is a stimulating sleep stone which is used episodically. It is not suitable for children or people suffering from severe insomnia. If you have a gift of mediumship, the Herkimer diamond will activate your faculties and perhaps give you access to premonitory dreams.

3. Malachite, stone of lucidity

Lithotherapy enthusiasts are familiar with malachite, this pretty green mineral with protective properties. Since it promotes clarity of ideas, clairvoyance and reason, malachite is one of the best dream stones.

If you have difficulty connecting to your dream world, let it accompany you during your sleep. In the morning, malachite will help you remember your dreams and interpret them with maximum lucidity.

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones is given for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.


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