Association of stones in lithotherapy: true/false

Whether you are new to lithotherapy or you are an expert in the field, you are probably attracted to many stones. You wear them as pendants, you place them next to your computer when you work, you sleep next to them... In short, you live alongside them without always paying attention to the effects of their synergies. Unfortunately, certain combinations of minerals should be avoided, at the risk of neutralizing their benefits. Do you want to test your knowledge of stone associations? Answer the six questions in our true/false quiz.

1- To avoid bad combinations of stones, they should not be stored in bulk: true or false?

Answer: This is false!

In lithotherapy shops, minerals are classified by type and arranged in baskets or wooden displays. Some sellers even offer their customers pretty locker boxes, allowing them to separate the stones. This way of arranging a collection is linked to a practical imperative: the stones are highlighted and are easier to spot this way.

Separating the stones is not an obligation. If you wish, you can store your loose stones in a box without compartments (or in a fabric bag) without fear of bad associations.

For what ? Quite simply because when you don't use your stones, they don't react to each other.

Discover our range of stone storage boxes .

2 - Stones only interact when used: true or false?

Answer: That's true.

In lithotherapy, we speak of combinations of stones when they are used at the same time, consciously and for specific purposes. Here are some concrete cases of use of minerals:

  • direct contact of stones on the skin (for example with pendants or bracelets ),
  • meditation in front of one or more stones,
  • massage (by placing the stones on certain chakras),
  • the use of talismans, that is to say stones placed on furniture (or in the pocket of clothing) to obtain a specific effect,
  • the revitalization of water (thanks to the manufacture of mineral elixirs).

The list of possibilities for using stones is endless. All of these practices can be made even more effective with the right stone combinations.

3 - We can decide which stones to associate by taking into account their effects: true or false?

Answer: It's true!

The virtues of minerals are the first criterion for determining which stones to combine and which stones not to combine. All minerals with similar effects and energies can, in principle, be matched.

For example, anti-stress stones like amethyst and rose quartz work very well together. Very gently, their energies enrich each other and their soothing properties are reinforced by this collaboration.

In another register, energizing stones such as garnet , amber , carnelian and red jasper should be combined without moderation.

Conversely, it happens that certain very different minerals form interesting associations. This is explained by the complementarity of their respective virtues. If you lack self-confidence, you can for example wear a bracelet of tiger's eye (protection stone) and amethyst (associated with wisdom). Another interesting marriage: that of amethyst and lapis lazuli (a stabilizing stone), ideal for calmly tackling the most stressful situations.

Discover our guide to the best stones against stress .

4 - To know which stones to combine, just look at their color: true or false?

Answer: This is not always true!

There are many stones of the same colors, which combine harmoniously. It's the case :

Despite everything, color cannot be the main criterion for choosing which stones to combine. There are many minerals with complementary properties, but whose colors differ. For example, you can combine without hesitation:

  • turquoise (wisdom stone) and rock crystal (emotional healing stone) in order to face conflicts with calm and reason,
  • chrysocolla (vector of dialogue) and rhodochrosite (stone of tenderness) to overcome a crisis within your relationship or your family,
  • moonstone (feminine stone) and rhodonite , which trigger romantic encounters.

In conclusion: it is better to rely directly on the faculties of the stones when trying to associate them, rather than on their color.

5 - Bad stone associations are dangerous: true or false?

Answer: This is false.

Certainly, it is important to know which stones to combine and, above all, which stones not to combine.

But fear not: the wrong combination of stones rarely has harmful effects. Most often, nothing happens when two incompatible minerals are worn together (in jewelry) or used during meditation. Their benefits cancel each other out, no effect is felt and you just need to try another combination.

In the worst cases, bad energy is felt, sometimes accompanied by physical reactions like headaches or tingling. When faced with such a situation, remain calm and just separate the stones, then purify and recharge them. Your negative feelings will fade in a few minutes.

As you practice lithotherapy, you will quickly understand which stones to combine if you:

  • trust your common sense,
  • stay tuned to your intuition,
  • write down your observations about the stone combinations in a small notebook,
  • be kind to yourself after an error of judgment.
6 - Obsidian and shungite do not associate with any other stone: true or false?

Answer: It's true.

Shungite and obsidian are black stones from the protective stone family.

The first (the shungite stone) promotes the anchoring and harmonization of the chakras, while attenuating electromagnetic waves. It should not be associated with other stones, as there is a risk that it will drain them of their energy.

As for obsidian, it conceals a characteristic strength, inherited from its slow formation in the heart of the acid magma of volcanoes. Thanks to this energy, it is able to connect its wearer to their subconscious, to their past and sometimes even to their inner darkness. This powerful mineral is not for everyone.

More than any other lithotherapy stone, obsidian works alone and should never be combined with another mineral. For example, if you have an obsidian pendant, wear it without any other natural stone jewelry.

Likewise, when you carry out a meditation or a shamanic journey in the company of an obsidian, dedicate all your attention to this stone. This is valid for all types of obsidian used in lithotherapy, that is to say:

  • black obsidian,
  • speckled obsidian (also called snow obsidian),
  • rainbow obsidian (or celestial eye obsidian),
  • midnight lace obsidian,
  • golden obsidian,
  • mahogany obsidian,
  • or Apache tear obsidian.

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones is given for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.


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