How to choose the right stone for self-confidence?

Did you know that lithotherapy can help you develop your courage and self-confidence? In this practical guide, we'll first give you advice on how to integrate your self-esteem stones into your daily life. Then, we will present to you some useful stones to better face the hazards of everyday life, conflicts and even adversity.

How to regain self-esteem thanks to lithotherapy?

Wear stones for self-esteem

The simplest way to use lithotherapy for better self-confidence is to wear stone jewelry , for example:

In addition to these jewels, it is entirely possible to practice lithotherapy by simply keeping small stones ( raw or rolled ) close to you, in the pocket of a bag, coat or pants. The advantage of lithotherapy jewelry to regain self-confidence? Being close to the skin, their pearls directly transmit their beneficial energy to their wearer.

Meditate with a stone for self-confidence

If your shyness is making you suffer, keeping self-confidence stones close to you (in jewelry or in your pocket) can bring you immediate well-being. Please note, however, that the art of lithotherapy extends well beyond the simple wearing of stones for self-esteem.

Many stone enthusiasts use them to experience general well-being and to repair their emotional wounds . They commune daily with nature thanks, in particular, to lithotherapeutic meditation. There are myriad types of meditation, but one of the most common today is “mindfulness.” Inspired by Buddhist vipassana, mindfulness meditation helps to pacify the mind, control the breath and deconstruct the negative ideas which are often at the origin of poor self-esteem.

Discover our guide to lithotherapy associated with meditation .

Faced with a lack of confidence that is handicapping you, it can be life-saving to practice meditation with self-confidence stones. Guided meditations are available for free on the internet and their benefits will be increased tenfold if you practice them with:

  • a green aventurine (anti-stress stone) or a rose quartz (stone of love) on the heart chakra (just above the chest),
  • an amethyst or selenite (soothing stones) on the crown chakra (at the top of the skull),
  • a citrine (stone of self-knowledge) or an amber (stone for self-esteem) at the level of the solar plexus (that is to say under the sternum),
  • a turquoise , a celestine or a blue agate (stones linked to communication) on the throat chakra,
  • a lapis lazuli (stone of spiritual exploration) on the third eye chakra (in the middle of the eyebrows).

Taking care of your body with lithotherapy

Is your social anxiety and lack of self-confidence accompanied by poor posture, aches or psychosomatic pain (like heartburn)?

This may be a sign that your body is bearing the mark of your discomfort.

In addition to carrying self-confidence stones and practicing meditation, take care of your flesh with a lithotherapy massage. This holistic approach (linked to both your body and your soul) will allow you to heal your emotional wounds.

The massage with the stones should be practiced in a quiet room, preferably after fumigation with natural incense (palo santo wood or white sage leaves).

Lie down, breathe slowly and place self-confidence stones on strategic chakras, using the same associations as for meditation (see previous paragraph).

If you are new to lithotherapy massage, start with one or two stones then, after a few sessions, combine 6 or 7 stones for self-esteem (one for each chakra).

Concentrate on the gentle vibration of the stones, let their benefits permeate you and take the time to reach a state of absolute letting go.

Arrange your interior around stones for self-esteem

In addition to jewelry, meditation and massages with self-confidence stones, rethinking your interior design can be very beneficial. Indeed, certain stones (such as rose quartz or amethyst) have the ability to soothe the atmosphere of a room and instill in its occupants a feeling of inner peace. Surround yourself with these beneficial stones, often sold in large pieces to place on your bedside table, on your desk or in the entrance to your home.

By improving your environment and making it more conducive to calm, you will develop your self-confidence and you will be better able to face the anxieties caused by the outside world.

What are the best stones for self-confidence?

1 - Rose quartz, a stone to love and accept yourself

Rose quartz is the stone of love, tenderness and harmony.

Its energy will encourage you to accept yourself as you are, but also to move away from a position of judgment towards yourself and others.

More than all other stones for self-esteem, rose quartz constitutes a real tool for emotional care.

When you feel anxious, don't hesitate to combine it with a calming stone like amethyst.

2 - Carnelian, vector of courage

The effect of carnelian differs from that of rose quartz, but the two stones are complementary and can be combined within the same piece of jewelry, a meditation session or a massage.

Carnelian conveys energy, life force and resilience to all those it accompanies.

If you lack courage in the face of everyday hazards, adopting a carnelian can encourage you to take on new challenges and face the most unexpected events.

3 - Tiger's eye, a solar stone for self-esteem

Tiger's eye comes from the family of protective stones. It is used both to chase away negative energies and to boost self-esteem.

It is a stone with a powerful vibration, little appreciating combinations and acting all the better when used alone.

Stone of ambition , renewal and determination par excellence, the tiger's eye is suitable for people suffering from a feeling of inferiority or consumed by doubt (in their love, social and professional lives).

4 - Citrine, source of vitality

Like carnelian, citrine is one of the stones for self-confidence which acts directly on strength and vital energy.

The action of citrine is twofold: it contains an energizing vibration, at the same time as it promotes clairvoyance and communication between beings.

Is your lack of self-confidence linked to a lack of perspective in the face of events? Do you often start on the fly? Does your temper prevent you from communicating peacefully with your family or work colleagues?

Make citrine your favorite stone, meditate with it, wear it as a bracelet and enjoy its many benefits.

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones is given for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.


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