What is lithotherapy?

1. What is lithotherapy?

We owe the term “lithotherapy” to the contraction of two Greek words: “lithos” (the stone) and “therapeia” (the treatment).

Lithotherapy is therefore a treatment using stones. More precisely, it consists of using the power of minerals to improve everyday life, relieve pain, explore a spiritual path or find inner peace.

The practice of this esoteric art is based on the idea that each stone contains a vibration and one or more properties. This mineral energy can resonate with human beings and bring them well-being or protection. It can also take over places in order to attenuate negative waves and calm the atmosphere.

Lithotherapy never stops evolving and drawing on observations made by practitioners (amateurs and professionals) around the world. Unlike other spiritual domains, it is not inspired by a sacred text or fixed traditions. On the contrary, it synthesizes a host of ancestral rituals that it borrows in particular from Native American shamanism, Ayurvedic medicine, feng shui and Hinduism.

Who can use lithotherapy?

2. Is lithotherapy for everyone?

Yes, lithotherapy is suitable for everyone because it is a natural, gentle and non-invasive practice . It is recommended in particular for:

anxious people (there are stones to combat anxiety such as tourmaline , lepidolite and amethyst ),

and those who experience insomnia ( blue calcite , rose quartz , malachite and howlite are stones that promote sleep).

Power of lithotherapy

3. How can lithotherapy help me?

If lithotherapy is attracting more and more fans all over the world, it is because it has many virtues . In particular, it can help you:

  • sleep well (with a stone that promotes sleep like amethyst ),
  • soothe your anxiety (for example with rock crystal ),
  • be more energetic every day (thanks to citrine ),
  • develop your love of yourself and others (with rose quartz ),
  • protect yourself from negative waves (by wearing labradorite , which is one of the most powerful protective stones).
Usefulness of lithotherapy

4. Why use lithotherapy?

All people who practice lithotherapy have in common a curiosity, an attraction and even a fascination for the beauty of minerals. Beyond that, there are a thousand and one good reasons to discover this discipline. Some use it for purely physical reasons (to relieve pain), while others use it to cultivate their well-being. Finally, lithotherapy constitutes a path of spiritual awakening for many enthusiasts.

Compared to other esoteric fields, lithotherapy has a host of advantages.

Daily lithotherapy

5. How to use lithotherapy on a daily basis?

Shungite and obsidian are black stones from the protective stone family.

The first (the shungite stone) promotes the anchoring and harmonization of the chakras, while attenuating electromagnetic waves. It should not be associated with other stones, as there is a risk that it will drain them of their energy.

As for obsidian, it conceals a characteristic strength, inherited from its slow formation in the heart of the acid magma of volcanoes. Thanks to this energy, it is able to connect its wearer to their subconscious, to their past and sometimes even to their inner darkness. This powerful mineral is not for everyone.

More than any other lithotherapy stone, obsidian works alone and should never be combined with another mineral. For example, if you have an obsidian pendant, wear it without any other natural stone jewelry.

Likewise, when you carry out a meditation or a shamanic journey in the company of an obsidian, dedicate all your attention to this stone. This is valid for all types of obsidian used in lithotherapy, that is to say:

  • black obsidian,
  • speckled obsidian (also called snow obsidian),
  • rainbow obsidian (or celestial eye obsidian),
  • midnight lace obsidian,
  • golden obsidian,
  • mahogany obsidian,
  • or Apache tear obsidian.
Recharge your stones

6. Why and how to recharge my stones?

All lithotherapy minerals (especially stones against stress) need to be purified and recharged so that their energy can be renewed. Purification is essential before first use, whatever the origin of a rock. It can be done with water, pink Himalayan salt or natural incense. As for the recharging of the stones, it is done most of the time using light from the Sun or the Moon.

Discover our complete guide on this subject.

Astrological signs in lithotherapy

7. Which stone for my astrological sign?

Lithotherapy and astrology are closely linked. When choosing a stone against anxiety, a stone against stress, a stone to promote sleep or a stone that brings luck, choose a mineral compatible with your astrological sign. . Here are some examples of effective associations:

  • aventurine is suitable for Taurus and Cancer,
  • agate is perfect for Gemini, Virgos and Scorpios,
  • Citrine is recommended for Leos as well as Virgos,
  • jade is ideal for Libras,
  • lapis lazuli is appreciated by both Sagittarians and Taurus,
  • Moonstone is very popular with Capricorns, Pisces and Cancers,
  • fluorite is the favorite stone of Aquarians,
  • and finally amethyst suits Aries, Scorpios, Sagittarians as well as Pisces.

This list is far from being exhaustive ! Discover in particular our guide to astrological signs .

Danger of lithotherapy

8. Is lithotherapy safe?

  • Yes, lithotherapy is safe when used as a tool:
  • personal development,
  • spiritual elevation,
  • relaxation,
  • or to attract good fortune (with a lucky stone such as green aventurine, smoky quartz, turquoise or citrine).

Regarding the relief of physical symptoms, lithotherapy presents no danger, on one condition: that it does not replace the intervention of a doctor. For example, certain stones (such as green calcite, fluorite, obsidian or magnetite) are believed to have the ability to relieve back, neck or head pain. This belief is part of a holistic perspective, that is to say taking into account the person as a whole. The holistic approach does not replace surgical interventions and drug treatments which are sometimes necessary in cases of illness.

The same goes for mental disorders: many stones help fight insomnia and anxiety, but they are not enough to cure clinical depression. Faced with the latter, lithotherapy is used in addition to psychological or psychiatric monitoring.

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones is given for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.