Discover the meditation stones

Do you want to discover meditation? Do you meditate regularly and are you looking for tools that can enrich your practice?

Discover lithotherapy and its hundreds of stones with fascinating properties . There are a host of minerals conducive to calm, concentration, contemplation and even spiritual elevation.

Here is our list of the best stones for meditating, accompanied by tips promoting inner peace.

The most calming meditation stone: amethyst

Used both to combat anxiety and to find concentration, amethyst is the soothing stone par excellence.

It regulates emotions and will help you quickly reach a state of tranquility favorable to the practice of meditation .

Are you prone to insomnia? Get into the habit of meditating at bedtime, with an amethyst pebble placed on your third eye chakra (that is to say between your two eyes). This ritual will gently guide you towards deep sleep, while developing your intuition.

The most benevolent meditation stone: rose quartz

As a stone of love , rose quartz places your meditation session under the sign of emotional healing.

Have you just suffered a heartbreak? Is your relationship going through a period of crisis?

Lie down, place a rose quartz on your heart chakra (in the middle of the chest) then gently focus your attention on it. Let its beneficial energy penetrate your heart and soul.

If you feel your attention fading, gently bring it back to rose quartz.

This mineral is not only a symbol of carnal love: it is the stone of kindness, compassion and unconditional love towards yourself and others. Therefore, meditating with this stone will encourage you to love and accept yourself as you are. It can be practiced in a seated position, by placing a pendant near the heart chakra.

The most solar stone for meditating: citrine

A true concentrate of vital energy, citrine is the stone of joy and action.

This lovely yellow mineral is recommended for anyone prone to doubt, procrastination, melancholy or even depression.

Thanks to its purifying action on all the chakras, citrine provides a feeling of physical and mental well-being when placed on the solar plexus (at the bottom of the chest). Whatever your state of mind for the day, using citrine as a meditation stone will revive your inner joy and make it radiate long after the session is over.

The most intuitive meditation stone: selenite

Would you like to develop your intuition and creativity? Selenite is your ally. This variety of virginal white gypsum is synonymous with introspection, creative energy and self-knowledge. In addition to clarifying the mind during meditation, selenite develops clairvoyance and opens the doors to your interiority. For more serenity during your session, combine it with a soothing stone like amethyst, or with an anchoring stone like lapis lazuli. Let your intuition speak to find the right combination and don't hesitate to use three or four different stones when you meditate.

The most introspective meditation stone: celestite

With its crystalline reflections, celestite (or celestine) encourages contemplation. It owes its name (derived from the Latin “coelestis” which means “celestial”) to its sublime Riviera hue. In lithotherapy, it is the stone of reflection, self-discovery and introspection. Placed in the palm of the hand during a meditation session, celestite will encourage you to approach the worries of daily life with calm and lucidity. If you practice meditation diligently, celestite can also enrich your psychic abilities and make you more sensitive to supernatural forces.

The most protective stone of protection: labradorite

It's difficult to remain indifferent to the iridescence of a labradorite. This jet-black colored stone takes its name from the Labrador Peninsula, where it was discovered. Labradorite belongs to the family of protective stones, which act as shields against negative energies. It is an excellent meditation stone if you place it near your throat chakra or third eye. However, use it with respect and caution: labradorite is not a relaxing stone, but rather a tool for spiritual exploration. Thanks to the dreamlike energy that emanates from it, this meditation stone will create bridges between your consciousness and your imagination. By meditating with it regularly, you will become more receptive to your own dreams.

The most cosmic meditation stone: tektite

Tektite is a small mineral fragment formed during the impact of an asteroid on an Earth crater. Its origin gives it its black color and its powerful cosmic energy. Like labradorite, it is a meditation stone that lends itself more to esoteric explorations than pure relaxation. It is believed to have the power to amplify the aura and open the third eye chakra. Tip: When meditating with a tektite, natural incense (for example, sage or palo santo) can help you focus and let go.

The most spiritual stone for meditation: lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is one of the most fascinating minerals in lithotherapy, because of its shimmering reflections and its multiple properties. If you use it as a stone to meditate, this rock will promote your spiritual development and your anchoring, that is to say your full awareness of the present moment. To do this, simply hold a piece of lapis lazuli in your hand during your session, place it in front of you or wear this mineral as jewelry. Like all grounding stones, lapis lazuli is suitable for people who are beginning to practice meditation and who struggle to stay focused.

The best stone for meditation: rock crystal

Let's end this list with an essential stone: rock crystal. Associated with clairvoyance as well as lucidity, this meditation stone fluidifies the circulation of energy within the human body. To benefit from all the benefits of rock crystal, place it in front of you when meditating in a seated position. Visualize the energy transmitted by the stone, gently flowing through your body and clarifying your thoughts. If you prefer to meditate in a lying position, know that rock crystal is suitable for all chakras. It is one of the programmable meditation stones, meaning you can ask it for help on a specific point in your existence (for example, your friendly relationships or a professional project). After the meditation session is over, keep your crystal with you all day and enjoy its benefits for hours. Finally, the last advantage of rock crystal for meditating is that it easily transmits its energy to other minerals. Do not hesitate to combine it with other meditation stones (such as amethyst) if you wish to achieve a state of absolute plenitude.

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones is given for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.


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