Which stone to choose to combat stress?

Are you prone to stress or anxiety attacks? Are you looking for a natural method to overcome your anxiety while gaining confidence? Fortunately, lithotherapy shops are full of minerals with soothing effects. The choice is vast: each anti-stress stone has its specificities, and meets a very specific need. Here is our practical guide to help you choose the mineral best suited to your personality and your desires.

Stones against everyday stress

1. Amethyst, the best anti-stress stone

If you don't know which stone to choose to combat stress, start with an essential classic: amethyst . This variety of quartz, instantly recognizable with its deep purple reflections, is the favorite anti-stress stone of many lithotherapists.

It must be said that it has powerful calming abilities , which act on both sadness and the stress of everyday life in order to keep the negative away.

Do you want to benefit from the relaxing virtues of amethyst at work and when traveling? Treat yourself to an amethyst piece of jewelry or place small individual stones in your pants pocket. The benevolent and soothing energy of this stone will follow you during all your activities.

Finally, far from being just an anti-stress stone that can be used during the day, amethyst promotes relaxation and falling asleep . To sleep well, place an amethyst geode on your bedside table. This miraculous stone will gently diffuse its energy in your room, soothe your mind, guide you towards restful sleep and recharge the other stones placed near it!

2. Howlite, an ally in the face of the vagaries of daily life

Howlite is an anti-stress stone, whose soothing properties are similar to those of amethyst. This white stone streaked with gray is particularly recommended for people who work in stressful environments, and who want to remain calm in the face of the little worries of everyday life. More than any other anti-stress stone, howlite is associated with temperance and discernment.

3. Blue anhydrite (or angelite), stone of tranquility

Blue anhydrite , another anti-stress stone, is synonymous with peace, tranquility and spiritual elevation . It is a blue-gray mineral, sometimes sold under the name “angelite” or “angel stone”. In lithotherapy, blue anhydrite is considered a tool to connect human beings to their spiritual guides, that is to say their guardian angels, their distant ancestors as well as the spirits of nature. The spiritual strength of this stone is accompanied by powerful anti-stress virtues .

Stones against social stress

1. Rose quartz for peaceful relationships

For some people, human contact generates a particular form of stress: social anxiety. This translates into a great sensitivity to the views of others. On a physical level, people suffering from social phobia are prone to blushing, excessive sweating, hand tremors and even heart palpitations.

If this is your case, rose quartz can be of great help to you. This anti-stress stone transmits to its wearer an energy that is both gentle and caring . It promotes unconditional love, communication and openness to the world.

2. Smoky quartz, an anti-stress stone against anxiety and social phobia

Smoky quartz is an anti-stress stone of great beauty. Its transparency attracts the eye and its energy inspires calm. This mineral is associated with lucidity, but also with responsibility. It strengthens the courage of its wearer, as well as their confidence in others.

This stone acts against stress by promoting peaceful exchanges , and helping everyone to de-dramatize conflict situations.

Like most translucent anti-stress stones, smoky quartz encourages us to approach daily life with reason and clairvoyance . It effectively supports the most hyper-emotional or hyper-sensitive beings.

3. Lapis lazuli, a stone to gain confidence

If your shyness prevents you from reaching out to others, the lapis lazuli pendant and necklace are made for you.
This magnificent anti-stress stone provides courage, regulates emotions and strengthens relationships . It will help you overcome emotional blockages that negatively influence your existence.

Lapis lazuli also promotes the creation of deep and lasting bonds between beings. It is a perfect anti-stress stone for people with an introverted temperament, who want to get out of their comfort zone.

4. Citrine, an energizing anti-stress stone

Like rose quartz, smoky quartz and lapis lazuli, citrine is one of the stones used to combat social anxiety .

However, its action differs slightly from that of previous anti-stress stones: citrine is above all an energizing stone . It takes its name from the Latin “citrus” (meaning “lemon”) because of its bright yellow color and the very lively energy that characterizes it.

The citrine pendant is used to combat stress because it encourages its wearer to speak in public, to show their emotions and to express their ideas.

Living with anti-stress stones

Stones compatible with each other

If you already know lithotherapy, you know that certain stones should not be used at the same time because their energies are diametrically opposed. However, regarding stones against stress, have no fear: all those presented in this article contain a gentle and soothing energy , which allows them to be compatible with each other. Therefore, you can:

  • use several anti-stress stones of the same variety at the same time (for example an amethyst pendant with an amethyst bracelet, a geode for the bedside table and a tumbled stone in your handbag) without fear of saturation 'energy,
  • combine several different anti-stress stones within the same day (for example, a relaxing rose quartz and a lapis lazuli which will boost your self-confidence).

Purify and recharge anti-stress stones

The only precaution to take to ensure the effectiveness of your anti-stress stones is to purify them, then recharge them at regular intervals. During typical use (i.e. in everyday life), weekly purification of these stones is sufficient.

During periods of energetic upheaval (moving, change of job, romantic breakup, life accident), the purification and recharging of your anti-stress stones must be daily.

Discover our guide dedicated to the purification and recharge of natural stones.

Discover anti-stress bracelets and other jewelry against anxiety

Do you want to integrate one or more soothing anti-stress stones into your daily life? Jewelry is a great tool for this.

Thanks to them, you can beautifully enjoy the benefits of lithotherapy, wherever you go. They also make great birthday or Christmas gifts for a friend with anxiety. There are several types of jewelry with anti-stress natural stones, such as:

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones is given for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.


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