Collection: Real Stone Gua Sha

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Natural stone gua sha: your beauty ally

More beautiful skin thanks to real gua sha

Facial gua sha massage, an ancestral beauty ritual

At the crossroads of lithotherapy and Chinese medicine, gua sha massage is attracting more and more fans around the world, thanks to word of mouth on social networks. This beauty ritual straight from China requires the use of a stone such as green jade, rock crystal, black obsidian, shungite, rose quartz or aventurine.

Discover the benefits of gua sha

In Mandarin, the term "gua sha" literally means "to scrape off a disease until it comes off the skin." It is therefore a massage method based not on effleurage or kneading, but on a light scraping of the epidermis with a stone. For lovers of gua sha massage, this gesture would have many beneficial properties: it would stimulate cell renewal, detoxification of the body and microcirculation. On the face, the gua sha massage enhances the complexion, smoothes the skin and gives it a more toned appearance.

Which gua sha to choose?

To benefit from all the benefits of gua sha, it is necessary to use a real gua sha, that is to say a stone intended for this purpose. Our gua sha stones are specially designed for facial and neck massage. They are very easy to use: as soon as you receive your gua sha stone, you can begin this practice and benefit from all its benefits on a daily basis. Each stone has its strengths. For example, aventurine and rock crystal are perfect for problem skin because of their purifying power. Jade restores balance and harmony to tissues, while rose quartz is renowned for its anti-aging properties. Shungite promotes the circulation of bodily fluids such as blood and lymph. Finally, black obsidian is considered, in lithotherapy, as a protective and regenerating stone.

How to use real gua sha?

Start by applying the edge of the stone under your right eye, in line with your nose. Slide the gua sha over your cheek, toward the outside of your face, using light pressure. Repeat this gesture several times, then do the same with your left cheek. Continue with your forehead: start from your eyebrows then move the gua sha up to the roots of your hair. All areas can be massaged in this way, repeating a delicate movement which always starts from the inside and goes outwards. Remember to change the angle and inclination of the gua sha stone so that it harmoniously matches the lines of your face.

Also discover our range of well-being products , including natural stone massage rollers , natural pebbles and flat stones , bottles with mineral stones and even water purification stones .