7 good reasons to adopt sage to purify the home

In Latin, sage is called “salvia”, a name derived from the terms “salveo” (heal) and “salvus” (health).

Since ancient times, herbalists and naturopaths have known the multiple virtues of this perennial plant in terms of health and spirituality.

White sage (Salvia apiana), a variety native to the California desert, is particularly appreciated for its enchanting scent and purifying properties.

Commercially, it is found in the form of bundles to ignite. Are you hesitant to use white sage to purify your home and interior? Do you want to know all the benefits of this natural incense?

Here are 7 good reasons to use the sage stick in your daily life.

1. White sage is easy to use

The white sage stick is very easy to use to purify the home. It looks like a bundle of leaves tied together. There are two options available to you when you want to light this incense:

  • directly ignite the sage stick by directing the flame of your lighter onto one of its ends,
  • or remove a few leaves from the bundle, light them then place them in a burner.

Then go through each room of your home in a clockwise direction, holding the white sage stick (or burner) in your hand. Let the leaves burn slowly, and make sure their smoke penetrates every corner of your home. After purifying your interior, place the sage in your garden (or at the foot of your potted plants).

2. The spiritual properties of white sage are numerous

Throughout time and in the four corners of the globe, fumigation with sage has been synonymous with regeneration and renewal . This plant is also one of the plants in the Hindu ceremonial herbarium.

As for white sage , the indigenous peoples of America consider it sacred. Although this species originates from the west coast of the United States, it is used by a myriad of Native American tribes in North America, Central America and South America. Shamans attribute spiritual properties to it, such as power:

  • to raise consciousness,
  • to heal the soul by neutralizing its negative energies,
  • to trigger mediumistic visions,
  • to purify the conscience,
  • to calm the mind.

If you wish to benefit from the spiritual powers of white sage, carry out your fumigations by reciting mantras or prayers. You can also burn a sage stick during your meditation sessions to explore new levels of consciousness.

3. With white sage you purify your home as you wish

There are almost as many home cleansing methods as there are white sage users!

With this plant, you can let your creativity flow and develop your own rituals. Tradition has it that its leaves are burned in a haliotis shell, an abalone also called “abalone” or “goufic”. The shell of this mollusk is recognizable by its superb pearly reflections, and can be purchased in certain esoteric shops.

If you don't have abalone on hand to purify your home with white sage, you can use:

4. White sage is a 100% natural incense

Burning incense is always a pleasure. Unfortunately, the majority of products available for sale contain molecules that are harmful or even toxic to humans and nature in general.

These substances include benzene (classified as carcinogenic by the European Union) and formaldehyde.

The only solution to avoid inhaling such compounds is to use palo santo or white sage to purify the house.

These natural incenses contain only one ingredient: wood (for palo santo) or leaves (for sage). They do not require the addition of any synthetic perfume or any flammable substance.

In lithotherapy, natural incenses such as white sage are essential purification tools. They have an essential advantage: that of not damaging any stone, even the most fragile and those which tend to discolor. Unlike coarse salt or water, sage can therefore be used to purify all the stones in your collection.

5. White sage helps purify everything

The main use of white sage is for home purification. However, there are a host of occasions where its spiritual benefits come in very handy. Your sage sticks can purify:

  • places as varied as a house, an apartment, a business, a restaurant, a place of worship, a hotel or even a car,
  • people who have accumulated a large amount of negative vibrations,
  • items such as clothing, tableware, lamps, travel souvenirs, jewelry and, of course, lithotherapy stones.

In short, the purifying power of sage is useful on a daily basis to chase away negative energies and increase well-being. Would you like to know under what circumstances a sage purification is necessary? Trust your intuition. Some places, for example, have an oppressive atmosphere. This may mean that bad vibes are circulating there, and that fumigation is necessary. The same goes when a lithotherapy stone needs to be purified: its power is no longer felt and, in some cases, you may feel tingling and headaches, or even a slight feeling of discomfort.

6. The production of white sage is low-polluting

Just like lavender, rosemary or thyme, white sage is a perennial plant. This means that it does not need to be replanted every year to survive. The cultivation of this plant is therefore perennial: only its leaves are collected in order to be marketed in the form of white sage sticks.

In addition, even when it does not come from organic farming, sage contains few traces of herbicides and pesticides. Being a hardy and robust species on most continents, this plant is undemanding, it is frost resistant and requires little weeding.

In addition, the pronounced bitterness of its leaves makes it a crop that is rarely colonized by insect pests.

7. White sage is likely to scare away insects

When summer comes, always have a few sticks of white sage to burn during evenings outdoors. This plant repels insects which, unlike humans, do not appreciate its smell at all. You will thus avoid using citronella candles, mosquito coils and other repellent sprays, which often contain harmful substances such as DEET (diethyltoluamide) or IR 3535 (ethyl butylacetylaminopropanoate). Another advantage of sage: thanks to this natural repellent, you protect your pets (as well as the fauna and flora in your garden) from these biocidal molecules.

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones and plants such as sage is provided for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.


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