Discover lithotherapy for children

As a parent, the quest for your child's well-being is daily.

Without claiming to treat medical conditions requiring a doctor, lithotherapy offers a whole range of natural stone bracelets for children aimed at improving the physical and mental well-being of young and old alike.

But what does lithotherapy for children consist of? And which stones suit them best? Here is everything you need to know about the benefits of stones applied to children.

What is lithotherapy for children?

According to the principles of lithotherapy, each stone emits a vibration (or resonance ) capable of improving the well-being of a person when in contact with it or near it.

Certain minerals release beneficial energy , and can either be worn (for example as a bracelet for children), or placed in a room in the house.
Children are sensitive to the beauty and range of colors offered by these precious pebbles. They also appreciate the playful, even mysterious side of lithotherapy, and take pleasure in coming into contact with nature through minerals.

There is a wide range of stones that can be recommended for children. Here we will focus on a sample of key minerals in lithotherapy, which can be worn as jewelry by children aged over 3 years. Natural stone bracelets for children are a practical and ideal gift idea. They can be chosen according to the benefits of the stone, but also according to the astrological sign of the child.

Which stones to choose for children?

1 - Rose quartz, an ideal stone for children

Rose quartz belongs to the large family of macrocrystalline quartz, which also includes rock crystal, tiger's eye and amethyst.

As the stone of maternal love par excellence, it symbolizes gentleness , love , benevolence , purity and happiness .

Throughout the centuries, rose quartz has been used to honor many goddesses of love and fertility such as Astarte or Aphrodite. At the time of the pharaohs, the Egyptians used it to make beauty products because they were already seduced by its regenerating virtues.

Generally speaking, quartz is considered in lithotherapy as carrying an unrivaled energetic force , capable of increasing the beneficial properties of other stones.

Rose quartz, renowned for its soothing properties , is recommended from childbirth and can therefore accompany the child throughout its growth.

Placing a rose quartz pebble in his room would promote the rest and calm necessary for him to fall asleep. Thanks to its positive vibrations celebrated since the dawn of time, rose quartz helps the most sensitive children (but also the most nervous) to find a form of calm.

2 - Tourmaline, a multicolored stone for children

The name tourmaline is derived from the word “turmali” which means “stone of a thousand colors” or “stone of mixed colors”. This astonishing mineral has a broad chromatic spectrum which has earned it the nickname “rainbow stone”. Initially translucent, its color varies depending on the other minerals nearby, which irradiate it during its geological formation.

Since Antiquity, an immense protective power has been attributed to tourmaline, which has the particularity of attracting those around it towards it. For the child who wears this natural stone as a bracelet , it would therefore be a vector of friendship, affection and admiration.

Tourmaline is a stone of tranquility and positivity , which is capable of harmonizing the body but also all of the vital functions of the child (or adolescent).

3 - Amethyst, a soothing stone very popular with children

Amethyst is a macrocrystalline variety of quartz, whose purple color varies depending on the amount of iron it contains.

In Egypt, soldiers used it to give themselves courage during battles, and the Greeks dedicated it to Artemis, goddess of the hunt. Among the Romans, amethyst is associated with Diana, goddess of the moon and protector of animals.

In lithotherapy, amethyst is believed to have the ability to soothe anger and sadness , or to promote the inner balance of children.

Like rose quartz , amethyst is used to optimize sleep by harmonizing the chakras, thanks to relaxing vibrations that are very appreciable for young children. These vibrations would have the ability to ward off the distressing energies that bother hyperactive children.

4 - White or pink agate, stone of gentleness

Agate comes in a multitude of colors and can be artificially dyed. Thanks to this great chromatic variety, it has been used very frequently throughout history, both in jewelry and pottery but also in architecture.

A legend says that Persian magicians burned agate to ward off storms. In Greek mythology, this stone is associated with the great Gaia, mother goddess or creator of the worlds . The Romans, for their part, attributed many medicinal virtues to agate: reduced to powder, it cured snake bites, soothed the itching linked to insect bites and warded off lightning.

Used for lithotherapy for children , agate increases the strength of the stones with which it is associated. It helps overcome insomnia, promotes pleasant dreams and can alleviate moderate dental pain . Finally, according to certain beliefs, agate provides strength and courage to timid children.

5 - Malachite, a protective stone for children

Malachite is one of the oldest semi-precious stones used by man. As proof, a malachite disk was discovered in Iraq and dated to the Neanderthal era! The Egyptians exploited it as early as 4000 BC. They associated her with Hathor, goddess of love, joy, beauty and motherhood .
Since then, this stone has been used as a protective stone by many civilizations.

According to popular belief, a piece of malachite is enough to protect children from bad dreams , while bringing good luck to mothers and pregnant women . This stone for children therefore has a double use!

6 - Amber, a lithotherapy stone encouraging the child to connect with nature

To finish with this non-exhaustive list of stones for children, let's take a look at natural amber .

Although it is not a mineral material, natural amber is often considered an organic gem in the same way as stones used in lithotherapy.

This fossil resin secreted by conifers (some 50 million years ago) turns out to be loaded with negative ions, which strengthen our immune defenses.

The soothing properties of amber make it an excellent stone for children.

Amber is said to help babies sleep by soothing the pain of teething.

Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, amber is not an inert material. It contains many volatile elements.

On contact with the skin, due to the heat released by the body, a real exchange occurs between it and the amber. Thus, wearing an amber bracelet or necklace is comparable to wearing a plant patch. The natural stone bracelet for children is ideal for introducing young ones to the benefits of lithotherapy.

Information on the virtues of lithotherapy stones is given for informational purposes only. This information in no way constitutes a medical diagnosis or even medical treatment.

If you have a health and/or medical problem, consult your doctor.


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