Collection: Peridot

The peridot stone has various explanations regarding the etymology of its name. The first explanation comes from the Arabic word “faridat” meaning “precious stone”. The second explanation comes from the Latin word “paederos” meaning both young boy and opal stone.

Peridot was discovered 3,000 years ago on the island of Zebirget in the Red Sea.

Then, it was exploited in Egypt around 1,500 BC. The Egyptians associated this stone with the mystical world and they linked its incredible radiance to light, hence its nickname “stone of the sun”. Cleopatra particularly cherished this stone.

Pliny the Elder (23 AD - 79 AD), Roman naturalist writer and author of an encyclopedia entitled Natural Histories, refers to peridot as a stone of a magnificent green color.

Under its previous name, chrysolite, peridot is frequently cited in the Bible, notably as one of the jewels enshrined in Aaron's breastplate and as one of the 12 jewels, having been used in the foundation of Jerusalem.

Peridot was a stone commonly used in Greek jewelry. Furthermore, it was regularly owned by the Ottoman sovereigns.

The first peridot stones were introduced to Europe at the time of the Crusades. This incredible green stone enjoyed real success in the Middle Ages. It was used to illuminate church ornaments and objects of worship. For example, in Cologne Cathedral, the splendid jewel that decorates the sanctuary of the three wise men is a real peridot.

Peridot has had a real fascination since the dawn of time, since it is believed to have quite powerful virtues. It is supposed to promote friendship, deliver the spirit from all sins, develop eloquence, cure liver diseases and increase the effectiveness of medicinal potions. Pirates said of this stone that it warded off the evil eye and the terrors of the night.

Several civilizations and many cultures have appropriated this incredible green stone. Hawaiians consider peridot to represent the tears of Pele, goddess of fire, lightning, dance, violence and volcanoes.

Today, as in the past, peridot has strong symbolisms spread all over the world. In the Maghreb, this stone represents fraternity, joy and luck. In Israel, it is the representation of the spirit of the Divine, the glory, the power and the authority.

For information, there are even peridots of extraterrestrial origin. In certain meteorites that have fallen to Earth, we can find a shiny metallic surface of iron and nickel with inclusions of peridot crystals, then called palladots. The presence of peridots has also been detected on Mars.

Peridot is composed of magnesium, iron and silica. Then it owes this incredible green color to the presence of large quantities of nickel and chromium. Its color similar to that of emerald has earned it its nickname evening emerald or poor man's emerald.

Peridot is an idiochromatic stone, meaning it has only one color: green. It has a range of greens from yellow-green to dark green. Small stones are of great purity, large ones have inclusions invisible to the naked eye, attesting to their authenticity.

The hardness of Peridot is 7 on the Mohs scale. Peridot is a solid stone perfectly suited to creating jewelry. It belongs to the magnesium silicate family.

The main deposits are located in Peru, India, Brazil, Canada, China, etc.

In Lithotherapy, peridot is renowned for restoring confidence and self-confidence. It also helps with the acceptance of others, to eliminate resentment and to reduce jealousy. It also helps calm and suppress outbursts of anger. It generates peace and serenity to its wearer.

Furthermore, it helps in making complicated decisions and overcoming life's difficulties. It is an excellent stone to combat stress. It releases feelings of guilt inherited from the past. It promotes a stronger mind. The person shows new and positive energy.

Peridot has the ability to chase away melancholy, sadness and dark thoughts. These negative emotions give way to positive emotions like joy, happiness and the desire to do things.

It is a stone that allows opening towards others. She develops feelings of compassion and empathy. It generates real interest and caring attention to others.

This stone is said to promote the development of clairvoyance and intuition. It is also recommended to provide quality sleep while keeping nightmares away. It is a stone of renewal which is indicated in new beginnings in life or when new objectives are to be achieved.

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List of Stones & Minerals

Peridot is a gem variety of forsterite. Peridot crystals were probably mined as early as the 1st millennium BC on the small island of Zabargad, located in the Red Sea near the Ras Banas peninsula. This island was once called Topazos, and the crusaders dedicated it to Saint John (hence its other name Saint-John), but ignored its riches because the secret was so well kept and hidden from foreigners. Because Zabargad contains the historically most famous and important peridot deposit.

The benefits : peridot is a stone for moving forward and evolving. It is associated with the heart chakra and promotes self-love and relationships.
It promotes detachment and connection with your own wisdom. It improves psychological clarity and vision seeking.

Astrological signs : Taurus, Leo, Libra, Capricorn.

Chakra : Heart.