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Blue Fluorite Sphere China AA 50-60mm


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56,90 €
Regular price
56,90 €
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56,90 €
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Origin: China
Grade: AA


About 300g


AA = very high
  • 50-60mm blue fluorite sphere.
    Patterns and colors may vary from one stone to another.
    Delivered with its wooden or plastic support

  • Fluorite or fluorite is a particularly abundant mineral in nature. It owes its name to the Latin “fluere” which translates as “which melts” or “which flows”. This name refers to its ability to melt easily, this stone only has a hardness of 4 on the Mohs scale.

    Fluorite has been known since Antiquity and has always been very successful due to its wide variety of colors. Some ancient civilizations believed that fluorite was actually crystallized light.

    In China, purple fluorite was used as protection against evil spirits. It even happened that green fluorite replaced jade in the manufacture of certain statuettes.

    In Egypt, fluorite, whatever its color, was used for carving beads, scarabs and statuettes of gods.

    In Greece, fluorite and its many shades were used in the manufacture of the famous Murrhine vases. These precious vases were made with murrhe, a substance which appears to be fluorite. Furthermore, this mineral symbolized intelligence and know-how.

    The Romans, for their part, were convinced that drinking alcohol from a fluorine glass helped combat drunkenness.

    During excavations, objects made of fluorites were found in the ruins of Pompeii, an ancient town and city in the Italian region. It is famous for being completely buried during an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

    In 83 AD, after the conquest of Great Britain, the Romans extracted the famous "Blue John", a fluorite of a very particular blue-yellow color. Pliny the Elder (23 - 79 AD ) already said that Nero had spent a fortune to possess a specimen of this fluorite.

    On the American continent, sculptures dating from the time of the builders of the Mississippian culture (900 - 1650), as well as beads, pendants, statuettes have been discovered. All these pieces were made of fluorite.

    In 1529, the first description of fluorite was made by Georgius Agricola (1494 - 1555), father of mineralogy and metallurgy.

    In 1797, the naturalist Carlo Antonio Galeani Napione named this mineral fluorite. Probably due to the use of this stone as a flux in the steel industry.

    In 1861, in France, in Autun in Burgundy, fluorite was discovered by Georges de Champeaux de la Boulaye, mineralogist engineer (1837 - 1895). At this time, the exploitation of the discovered fluorite veins was carried out in the open air.

    Fluorite is composed of calcium fluoride and most crystallizations have a cubic shape. Pure, this mineral is transparent, but the presence of various metals and organic compounds gives it all kinds of colors. It is thus the most colorful stone in the world. There are also multi-colored pieces. Some varieties are even fluorescent.

    This stone is found mainly in granite rock veins. In industry, it is used in the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid for working aluminum, in the production of enamel, translucent glass, lenses for astronomy and spectacle lenses.

    The main deposits are found in China, Canada, France, etc.

    In Lithotherapy, a stone of serenity and calm, blue fluorite provides relief during states of frustration or disappointment. It purifies the mind, strengthens intuition and spiritual finesse. This stone is particularly suitable for promoting memory and learning. It is very useful for people in training or students. Blue fluorite is highly recommended for intellectual and cerebral work, it organizes thought, provokes inspiration in solving complex problems. It will also dispel unnecessary and disruptive thoughts.

    This stone allows the resolution of mental blockages, linked or not to childhood. It highlights the traumas that prevent you from moving forward in life. It facilitates meditation and spiritual elevation. It is also a stone that encourages clear and precise communication. Blue fluorite inspires gentleness and honesty, a sense of justice and harmony. It provides relationships based on empathy and compassion with those around you.

    Blue fluorite encourages its wearer to become aware of their potential and to have more self-confidence. This stone guides him towards the feeling of infinite love and allows him to access joy and happiness. She helps him to carry out an introspection which will bring him wisdom and a sense of justice. It is a stone particularly recommended for people working in the legal sector.

  • Sphère  fluorine bleue Chine AA 50-60mm

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