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South Africa bull's eye pendant A (rolled stone)


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3,90 €
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3,90 €
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3,90 €
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Origin: South Africa
Grade: A

Discover the properties of our bull's eye pendant (rolled stone)

About 25-35mm

About 10g

South Africa

A = good

  • Tumbled bull's eye stone of approximately 25-30mm pierced by a steel bail.
    Shapes, colors and patterns may vary from one stone to another.

  • The real bull's eye stone belongs to the quartzite family. It is composed of silicon dioxide and crocidolite (mineral rock also called asbestos), which gives it its fibrous appearance.
    During the crystallization of the bull's eye, crocidolite, composed essentially of iron, integrates silica and hydrothermal solutions. Through the process of pseudomorphosis, crocidolite transforms and loses its toxicity.
    It is possible to come across a bull's eye stone which is in fact a tiger's eye stone heated by human hands, in order to give it its incredible red and dark red colors.
    However, the heating phenomenon can take place in nature. This bull's eye stone may result from a metamorphic transformation due to a modification of the physical and chemical elements of its geological environment. It evolved according to changes in pressure and temperature. It therefore naturally sports this beautiful red-brown color.
    Thus, it seems that the bull's eye heated by man or heated in its natural environment presents the same virtues. This stone has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. In comparison, diamond has the highest hardness, 10 on this same scale.

    In lithotherapy, the bull's eye is a stone known for facing the difficulties of life. It gives the courage to get back up after a failure or a challenge. It allows a good analysis of the situations that arise.
    It provides the ability to face various obstacles with strength and vigor. It is wise to offer this mineral to a person in suffering, following bereavement, separation or professional failure. His strength will help him keep moving forward.
    This mineral is an anchoring stone. It increases conviction, assurance and self-confidence. It gives you the ability to make carefully considered decisions. The wearer of this mineral knows exactly where he is going. He is well grounded and keeps his feet on the ground. He has an iron mind and a more assertive character. It is a stone of stability, which allows you to stay grounded.
    Having a bull's eye on yourself creates inner peace and serenity. It protects against harmful energies and negative judgments. It strengthens the will to succeed in achieving one’s goals. It provides the strength to fight to achieve positive results and rejects contrary opinions.
    Furthermore, it is said that this stone has a mirror function. It acts as a shield against people who send negative energies. It makes the emitter of these energies aware of the consequences of their actions.

  • Pendentif oeil de taureau Afrique du Sud A (pierre roulée)

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