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The hidden meaning of minerals


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32,00 €
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32,00 €
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32,00 €
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The Milky Way is home to billions of stars forming the perfect cosmogony to link interconnected energies between each of these stars.

We, earthlings, are vectors of these connections which generate life itself for evolution on a cosmic scale.

This vision of the universe is similar to that which one can have of a mineral.

It is made up of ions, protons and neutrons which interconnect to circulate life and energy. It is this energy that we are talking about here in this book, the same one which forms the universe and which also makes us live.

A divine energy certainly, but inherent in every living thing on Earth and of which we, men, are the living bearers.

How to use this mineral energy to heal us is the aim of this book, directly inspired by the very energy of the stones, and translated by Judith Tedesco, a true cosmic channel of life on Earth.

The stones no longer hold any secrets for her because they transmit their knowledge and their purpose to help man in his task of moral and physical expansion.

Let us penetrate this radiant universe of cosmic energy to accept getting better thanks to these dear magnificent and extraordinary stones which are in fact instruments of well-being and elevation.

Among other things, the following are covered:

Properties of stones

Which stone for which treatment?

How to recharge?

The crystal skulls

Stones and chakras

Le sens caché des minéraux

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