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Rhyolite pebble Australia A


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7,90 €
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7,90 €
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7,90 €
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Origin: Australia
Grade: A

About 35-45mm

Between 20g and 30g


A = good

Rhyolite pebble from Australia approximately 35-45mm
Colors and patterns vary from one stone to another.

Its history is very little known although we know that this stone was commonly used in Antiquity. There are no myths about it.

The etymology of its name comes from the Greek rhein meaning to flow and lithos meaning stone. Its name was attributed to it by the German geologist Ferdinand Von Richthofen (1833-1905).

Rhyolite is a rock from the feldspar family, formed by the cooling of volcanic magma, rich in silica. This volcanic rock has fairly light colors, pink or gray, sometimes blue, green, yellow, orange, ocher or brown. It has minerals visible to the naked eye: quartz, amphibole, biotite and feldspar.

This type of magma containing a lot of silica, sodium and potassium, generates a glassy and very finely crystallized rock upon very rapid cooling. Rhyolite is the volcanic equivalent of granite.

With slower cooling, multiple crystals offer surprising patterns. The lava flows give multiple effects: we can see kinds of bands, bubbles, layers of crystals. When cooling is very slow, a rock filled with air bubbles is formed, of which pumice is a part.

For information, rhyolites are found in the form of domes, short and thick flows (viscous lavas), in blocks or in powerful masses.

Rhyolitic eruptions are extremely rare in current volcanism. In the ancient volcanic series, we note two main types of deposits, firstly, that of rhyolites in short flows or domes, the second is that of rhyolites in pumice sheets.

The main deposits are located in Brazil, Australia, etc.

Rhyolite is known to strengthen romantic bonds. If a couple encounters difficulties, they can have quality relationships and constructive exchanges. Rhyolite promotes eloquence. It encourages respect for oneself and others.

This stone provides assurance and self-confidence. It is ideal when making important decisions. It generates wisdom and serenity. It makes it easier to resolve life's difficulties. It provides the motivation necessary to succeed professionally.

Thus, it helps resolve blockages or traumas linked to the past. She develops understanding and listening to those around her. It allows you to reconnect with your inner self and at the same time open up to others. It gives patience and engenders forgiveness.

It is a stone that wards off negative thoughts, such as anguish, anxiety and unhealthy shyness. It restores self-esteem. It is ideal for students lacking confidence. Furthermore, it increases concentration and memorization.

Stone of communication, she encourages the most shy to express themselves. It provides quality language and conveys a message in a clear and calm manner.

This stone is said to bring abundance and prosperity. It keeps procrastination away and gives the strength to work hard, in order to achieve great professional success. It allows you to properly assess complicated situations and manage them as best as possible.

Galet rhyolite Australie A
Rhyolite pebble Australia A

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