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Astrophyllite pebble Norway A


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9,90 €
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9,90 €
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9,90 €
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Origin: Russia
Grade: A

About 30-40mm

Between 20-30g

A = good

Astrophyllite pebble from Norway 30-40mm
Shapes, patterns and colors may vary from one stone to another

Astrophyllite is a very rare mineral. It is a natural stone essentially composed of potassium hydroxy-silicate, iron and titanium. It is brown to golden yellow in color. However, it can also be found in brownish red or reddish bronze. It is usually opaque to translucent, but can be transparent in thin sections. It should be noted that its crystals have perfect cleavage.

It forms lamellar, radiant star-shaped aggregates. It is mainly found in cavities and cracks in igneous rocks (formed when magma cools and solidifies).

Discovered in 1854 in Norway, astrophyllite owes its name to its structure, with its star-shaped reflections. Thus, the Greek “astron” means “star” and “phyllis” translates “leaf”. It is mainly of interest to scientists, collectors or lithotherapy (cut in the shape of cabochons, rolled stones or in the shape of points). It is more rarely used by jewelers due to its low hardness.

In fact, it has a hardness of 3 to 4 on the Mohs scale, which is low. For comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10 on this same scale. It has a triclinic crystal system. Due to its recent discovery, this stone has no myth or legend relating to it.

The main deposits are located in Norway.

Astrophyllite is a stone of growth and journey throughout life. It diffuses energy and motivation in order to help its wearer during important changes. It allows him to make new beginnings, to start again elsewhere or quite simply to change psychologically.

This incredible stone generates self-acceptance and removes the feeling of guilt. It promotes objectivity, helps people who are too demanding of themselves to put things into perspective and set more achievable goals.

Astrophyllite encourages its wearer to become aware of their value and to have confidence in themselves. It generates serenity and positivity. Its wearer can then overcome the difficulties of life. He is calm and can therefore consider carrying out many projects without stress.

Astrophyllite pushes its wearer to assert themselves and open up to others. It is ideal for shy, self-conscious and introverted people. It helps them assert themselves and communicate with others. It generates self-esteem. She encourages saying no for people who don't know how to refuse anything and who are too often exploited.

It is a stone that fights against the negativity of certain people, who experience jealousy, resentment and anger. It is ideal for boosting optimism and warding off the negative feelings that its wearer may feel. She pushes him to feel joy.

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