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Bronzite pebble Brazil A+


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Origin: Brazil
Grade: A+

About 40-45mm

Between 30-40g


A+ = very good

Bronzite pebble approximately 40-45mm from Brazil.
Shapes and colors may vary from one stone to another

We have found no trace of legend either in Egyptian, Greek or Roman mythology concerning bronzite. The etymology of bronzite is very recent, dating back to 1807.

On the other hand, it seems that this stone was identified in the Greek and Roman empires under the name enstatite, a derivative of the Greek term “enstate” which translates as “adversary”.

Indeed, enstatite is also a mineral species of the silicate group, of the pyroxene family. However, enstatite and bronzite are two different stones, both belonging to the silicate family.

Bronzite differs from enstatite by its composition, which is very rich in iron and magnesium silicate. It owes its name above all to its color and its appearance resembling bronze. It has a beautiful brown color which oscillates between pearly and pale. Its magnificent reflections are the result of weather events and geological formation.

It is also said that you can see a cat's eye depending on its orientation in artificial light or that of the sun. Unalterable with acid, it melts quickly due to the high presence of iron it contains. It is made up of small black or green crystals. Furthermore, it is also remarkable with its submetallic shards.

In Greco-Roman times, this stone was endowed with numerous medicinal virtues, with protective powers. The Romans crushed bronzite and reduced it to powder. In fact, this powder helped fight mental illnesses and strengthened the nerves. She also had physical healing powers. But among the Greeks, it was mainly used as a protective amulet to give courage to warriors.

Nowadays, bronzite is mainly used in the manufacture of jewelry or in goldsmithing. Indeed, modern goldsmithing mainly concerns the manufacturing and transformation of various objects, linked to domestic use, furnishings or tableware.

The most notable deposits of bronzite are found in Brazil, Madagascar, Austria, South Africa, etc.

Bronzite is a stone that has a warm color and offers many therapeutic virtues. It is particularly renowned for providing feelings of well-being, happiness and inner peace.

People suffering from hypersensitivity, being too emotional can live in harmony by carrying bronzite with them. Bronzite allows one to free oneself from past wounds and frees the mind from harmful nuisances such as stress or certain buried traumatic events.

She helps rebuild her life and move forward with her projects. It has the power to eliminate negative thoughts and blockages that prevent anyone from thriving. It promotes self-control and gives the ability to manage one's emotions.

This stone also symbolizes tenderness and conciliation. It is of great benefit to people who are too reserved or not very sociable by promoting their relationships with others. It is nicknamed “courtesy stone”, because it develops respect for oneself and others. It encourages reaching out to others with complete confidence and an open mind. It is said that it can restore connections and reconcile people who are angry with each other.

Bronzite develops self-confidence and optimism. She brings great discernment skills, which promotes making good decisions in certain complicated situations. Furthermore, it allows you to maintain your composure in all circumstances.

It brings luminous and radiant energy. Thus, bronzite instills the courage necessary to achieve the set goals. It effectively fights against states of intense sadness and eliminates tensions buried for years, responsible for psychological disorders. It soothes and provides inner peace.

Galet bronzite Brésil A+

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