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Quartz bracelet with tourmaline inclusions Brazil A (baroque pearls)


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Origin: Brazil
Grade: A

About 18cm

About 10g


A = good

Elastic bracelet made of baroque quartz stones with tourmaline inclusions.
Patterns and colors may vary from stone to stone.

Rock crystal, also called hyaline quartz, is one of the most widespread minerals on Earth. Furthermore, it belongs to the large family of the silicate mineral group and is composed of silicon dioxide. It is also found in the composition of granite or in sedimentary rocks.

Rock crystal is naturally colorless and transparent. It has different colors depending on the inclusions it has, such as those of iron, magnesium, aluminum, calcium. As a reminder, an inclusion evokes a material contained in a crystal. This can designate a liquid, a gas bubble, another mineral, integrated during its constitution. Rock crystal can contain inclusions of tourmaline, chlorite, rutile, etc. Rock crystal has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.

This mineral has a clear appearance like that of water, symbolizing purity and perfection. The word crystal comes from the ancient Greek "krystallos” meaning “ice” or “icy cold”. One legend claims that it is celestial water, eternally frozen by the Gods.

During archaeological excavations, tools and weapons have been found dating back to prehistoric times. Rock crystal, cut into the shape of flint, proves that it was also used to light fires. Indeed, this crystal rubbed against metal causes sparks.

The Greeks and Romans used this stone in the making of jewelry, seals or intaglios. They also used it for medicinal purposes, such as when cauterizing wounds. They let sunlight pass through the rock crystal and directed the rays onto the wound.

In addition, the Mayans used rock crystal as a dowsing rod to find water. Native Americans associated this rock crystal with their initiation rites.

Rock crystal is found throughout the centuries. During the Renaissance, many artists produced jewelry, ornamental objects, and cups with this crystal. And nowadays, jewelers design many jewelry pieces with this stone.

In summary, rock crystal tourmaline is a rock crystal containing inclusions of fine tourmaline flakes. It therefore has the properties of rock crystal and those of tourmaline. Black tourmaline is called "schörl".

Tourmaline belongs to the family of borosilicates (extremely heat-resistant mineral glasses). It is composed of alkalis and aluminum borosilicates with iron. It can be of all kinds of colors, depending on the chemical elements that constitute it such as manganese, nickel, iron, titanium, etc.

In the rock crystal tourmaline, we will mainly mention black tourmaline or schörl. It should be noted that it has pyroelectric virtues (varies the temperature). It is the best-known variety of tourmaline with a composition very rich in iron. It has a hardness of between 7 and 7.5 on the Mohs scale.

This stone owes its name to the Sinhalese "thuramali" which translates to "stone of mixed colors" from Sri Lanka. There are few stories about tourmaline, as it was identified late. It was imported in the 18th century by Dutch sailors and took the name "Ceylon magnet" in France.

In 1756, it took the official name of tourmaline in the History of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin. This stone was the subject of many studies in the years that followed. The physicist Pierre Curie was very interested in this stone and its exceptional properties.

In the East, this gemstone was particularly popular with the Empress of China Cixi, especially pink tourmaline. Black tourmaline has only been used in the manufacture of jewelry since the last century. It was particularly used in the manufacture of luxury mourning jewelry.

The main deposits of rock crystal tourmaline are located in Brazil, Madagascar, the United States, etc.

In Lithotherapy, tourmaline quartz gives the strength needed during a radical life change or to overcome an ordeal, such as separation or mourning. It helps to get through these difficult times.

In addition, this stone combines the benefits of rock crystal and tourmaline. Rock crystal mixed with other minerals has the particularity of increasing their benefits. One of its main qualities is to receive, emit and amplify energies. It therefore has this unique property of storing energy, transforming it, amplifying it and retransmitting it. Associated with another stone, rock crystal will increase its effectiveness and can also recharge it.

Tourmaline quartz is a stone of protection. It keeps us away from negative people or energies, while providing a beautiful objectivity. Instinctively, the wearer of a tourmaline rock crystal will know how to manage conflict situations or avoid crisis contexts. He will know how to open up to others and gain self-confidence.

The union of rock crystal and tourmaline provides a powerful association that makes this mineral extremely purifying. It repels bad influences and is capable of transforming negative energies into positive energies. It helps to effectively combat states of intense sadness. Thus, it provides energy and vitality necessary in all changes, in all reorganizations.

For people who are too stressed, this tourmaline rock crystal will bring them serenity and calm. Accompanied by a rose quartz, it promotes quality sleep without nightmares. It releases blockages linked to the past and allows you to move forward in life.

Bracelet quartz avec inclusions de tourmaline Brésil A (perles baroques)

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