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South Africa hawk eye bracelet A (grains 5-7mm)


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9,90 €
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9,90 €
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9,90 €
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Origin: South Africa
Grade: A

18cm - Suitable for all wrists from approximately 17 to 19cm.

About 15g

South Africa

A = good

Bracelet composed of mini rolled hawk's eye stones of approximately 5-7mm
Patterns and colors may vary from one bracelet to another

This stone is a variety of microcrystalline quartz. Composed of crocidolite, a mineral rock also called blue asbestos, characterized by straight fibers, it has many similarities with tiger's eye.

These crocidolite inclusions give this stone characteristic iridescence. We also speak of asbestiform inclusions meaning “belonging to the amphibole and serpentine groups, presenting a typical fibrous character”.

Hawk's eye is made primarily of silicon dioxide. It has color variations between gray, blue and green. These fabulous reflections are caused by its fibrous and reflective structure. We can speak of an opaque and vitreous crystal.

Hawk's eye is a stone with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. In comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10 on this same scale, the highest hardness. This hardness allows jewelers to create magnificent jewelry with this fabulous stone. Others use it in the manufacture of objects intended for lithotherapy.

Today, this splendid stone is sought after by collectors and lovers of rare stones.

Thanks to certain archaeological excavations, we find traces of this incredible stone in various civilizations.

Thus, in ancient Egypt, it is claimed that the hawk's eye was called "the eye of Horus" in reference to Horus, one of their falcon-headed gods from the pantheon. Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris, revered in various places in Egypt, is said to be the god of the azure: the sun and the moon are his eyes, Isis, his mother, hid him in order to protect him from his murderous uncle Seth. of his father Osiris. As an adult, Horus fought Seth tirelessly. The latter tore out the eye of the moon, so Horus amputated his leg. He then won the fight and became the legitimate ruler of the kingdoms. from Egypt It also has a masculine and diurnal symbolism.

In Ireland, the Celts believed that the hawk's eye was a talisman allowing its wearer to methodically access the ascensional evolution of the primary being.

For Native Americans, especially for the shamans of Peru, the hawk's eye stone was also the symbol of the evolution of the spirit. It was supposed to help the evolution of the animal spirit into the human spirit.

In fact, this dark, iridescent stone has had strong symbolism for millennia and in different civilizations. It is the guardian angel who sees everything: this dark stone is linked to vision. Furthermore, this mineral also evokes clairvoyance and intuition.

The main deposits are located in South Africa, the United States, etc.

Hawk's eye is known for opening the mind and liberating it. This stone is a stone of tolerance, compassion and empathy. It allows its wearer to be open to all new ideas. She helps him put things into perspective and combat his buried fears.

By providing the strength to overcome trauma, the hawk's eye stone gives the courage to move forward in life and find happiness. It provides peace and serenity. It fights against extreme shyness and encourages its wearer to open up to others.

This fabulous mineral is the symbol of clairvoyance and intuition. It gives the ability to feel, see and understand certain things with clarity and discernment. It is said that he acts like a sixth sense.

Hawk's Eye provides self-control and moderation to people who have difficulty managing their emotions. It allows for quality introspection and a deep understanding of how it works, which stimulates communication and listening skills.

This stone is recommended during meditation sessions. It is generally considered a stone of courage, because it removes fears that block personal development. It diffuses a beautiful energy which chases away bad vibes and negative sensations.

Bracelet oeil de faucon (grains 5-7mm)
Bracelet oeil de faucon (grains 5-7mm)

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