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China mother-of-pearl bracelet with 3-4mm balls


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6,90 €
Regular price
6,90 €
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6,90 €
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Origin: China
Grade: A

Approximately 18cm - Fits all wrists measuring approximately 17 to 19cm.

About 7g


A = good

Bracelet made of 3-4mm mother-of-pearl balls
Patterns and colors may vary from one product to another.

Mother-of-pearl is a mineral made by molluscs throughout their life. They line the inside of their shell with this material. The formation of nacre takes decades. It is part of the organic pearl family.

Furthermore, mother-of-pearl serves as protection for mollusks when foreign bodies intrusion into their shell. He will then make mother-of-pearl. This can lead to the formation of a pearl. Thus, certain gastropods are cultivated with the aim of harvesting these pearls.

Mother-of-pearl is present in most shells. It is composed of 85% aragonite (calcium carbonate) microcrystals. The rest of the composition of mother-of-pearl includes a protein called conchiolin (around 12%), which acts as a cement to bind the aragonite crystals, and then water (around 3%).

The thin layers of aragonite are at the origin of the iridescence effect (property of certain surfaces which seem to change light depending on the angle of view or illumination) that mother-of-pearl provides.

The hardness of mother-of-pearl is 4 on the Mohs scale, which is relatively soft. In comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10, the maximum hardness on this same scale. Mother-of-pearl is an organic material with blue, pink, purple or yellow fluorescence. It has a fracture in the form of scales. Its pearly shine is particularly appreciated.

The name mother-of-pearl comes from the Arabic name "naqqara". In England, mother-of-pearl is called “Mother of Pearl” in homage to Queen Elizabeth I in the 15th century.

Man has been using mother-of-pearl for millennia. During archaeological excavations, tools, jewelry and various objects were found in Mesopotamia. This term means “land between the rivers” and refers to the floodplain between the Tigris and the Euphrates (present-day Iraq). They have sometimes been used as currency during various civilizations and all over the world.

The Chinese used mother-of-pearl to make figurines and statuettes of their gods. Mexican Indians wore mother-of-pearl necklaces as protection against evil forces.

The Mayans made dental implants from mother-of-pearl. In the Middle Ages, mother-of-pearl was used to make containers, notably baptismal fonts in churches. She was associated with the Virgin Mary because of her whiteness and purity. Moreover, the St Jacques shell has become the emblem of the pilgrims of Compostela.

In Corsica, a shell called the rough turbo produces a mother-of-pearl cover. This cover is called “Saint Lucia’s eye”. A Corsican legend tells that at the time of the first Christian martyrs, Lucia thanked the gods for having saved her sick mother. She distributed all her wealth to the poor. Her husband flew into a rage and denounced her to the Roman authorities as a Christian. Poor Lucie was arrested and imprisoned. She suffered numerous abuses and died of stabbing. But first, she had offered her eyes on a platter to her husband. He threw them into the Mediterranean Sea and they multiplied.

Nowadays, mother-of-pearl is used in the manufacture of accordion buttons, jewelry, ornamental objects, in marquetry, in cabinetmaking, etc.

The main places to find mother of pearl are China, etc.

Mother-of-pearl is ideal for people with strong temperaments. It soothes anger, excessive reactions and sudden mood swings. It acts as a real mood regulator. In fact, it allows the person to no longer react excessively. It has the ability to soften the character.

This mineral releases fears, calms anxieties and reduces tension. It helps fight stress effectively. It makes the mother-of-pearl wearer more optimistic, calm and serene. All he has to do is hold the mother-of-pearl in his hands. Its gentle energy spreads throughout him and soothes him as after a meditation or yoga session.

Mother-of-pearl is particularly suitable for students, people in training or anyone who needs concentration. It gives you the opportunity to settle down and focus your mind. It clarifies ideas, structures them and strengthens memorization.

It facilitates relationships with others, because it causes an open mind. Communication with others is better and more frank. It helps to overcome heartbreak.

Placed in a bedroom, it provides the peace and serenity necessary to promote falling asleep and the quality of sleep. Thus, the person regains vitality and physical form.

Bracelet nacre Chine A boules 3-4mm

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