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Blue ocean jasper bracelet United States A+ (5-6mm balls)


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21,17 €
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21,17 €
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Origin: United States
Grade: A+

18cm - Fits all wrist sizes from approximately 17 to 19cm.

About 10g


A+ = high

Very beautiful bracelet composed of 5-6mm blue ocean jasper balls
Colors and patterns may vary from one stone to another.

The incredible thing about jasper is that it comes in many finishes. Some have been identified very recently. All varieties have many colors with different properties, virtues, and various associated astrological signs.

Jasper can have several aspects. It is a sedimentary rock containing 80 to 95% silica. Jasper is a variety of microcrystalline quartz and may also contain clay, calcite, pyrolusite or hematite.

It has an appearance as nodules or sometimes serves as a filling in cracks. It can be found all over the world and in all colors. It also has all kinds of patterns, spotted or ribboned. It is a mineral that has undergone numerous transformations, sometimes classified as mineral, sometimes as rock depending on its degree of impurities.

Its particularity remains the infinite extent of its aspects, all different from each other. The jasper gives the impression that Mother Nature had fun drawing on these stones. Jasper is a complicated stone to identify due to its diverse appearances. Its colors range from green to yellow, red to white, blue to black, brown to gray, etc.

The properties of jasper differ depending on its additives (manganese, alumina, iron hydroxide) and its inclusions (agate or opal). Jasper mainly owes its colors to the iron oxides present. This diversity of colors and shapes makes each jasper stone unique. Jaspers are named according to the regions where they are mined, according to the person who discovered them, according to their color, according to the patterns.

The name “jasper” comes from the Greek “iaspis” meaning spotted stone. Jasper has been known for millennia. In the Bible, it is the first stone of the walls of Jerusalem. It is known to act against spider and snake bites. Since Antiquity, this stone has been used as a protective stone, a lucky charm and promoting the smooth progress of a pregnancy. Jasper amulets were carved by the Egyptians and placed with the mummies to promote the success of their passage into the afterlife.

Many civilizations used this stone to engrave cylindrical seals, talismans with astrological or religious images. Furthermore, for Native Americans and in the Middle Ages, jasper was believed to have the ability to make rain fall.

In conclusion, jasper is a stone widely exploited throughout history. It is found in ornamental stone, jewelry, vases, mosaics, etc.

The main deposits of Ocean Jasper are in the United States and Madagascar.

Ocean jasper or blue ocean jasper belongs to the large jasper family. This is a variety of chalcedony with sparkling quartz caught in small cavities. This quartz can take on various colors depending on the presence of iron oxides, feldspar and other minerals.

These impurities included in ocean jasper give patterns of all kinds of shapes. The patterns of ocean jasper do not follow logic and are multiple, including orbicular (spherical) spots, curved lines, small dots, etc.

Generally, ocean jasper stone can be of multiple colors, such as green, pink, yellow, blue, red. Its orbicular inclusions present other color combinations. It appears to have been painted by man. Its crystal system is hexagonal.

Ocean jasper is a stone that was classified during the 1900s. Then it was rediscovered and identified in the 2000s. Several specimens were presented by collectors at the Tucson fair in the United States. However, it was not known from which deposit they came. After various searches, the place where they had been extracted was discovered in Madagascar.

Nowadays, the deposit is almost exhausted and Madagascar jasper will become very valuable due to its rarity. However, there are other deposits, particularly in the United States.

Ocean jasper is considered a stone from the city of Atlantis. Atlantis is a mythical island the size of a continent. In Greek mythology, during the division of the world, this island was given to Poseidon, God of the sea. Then, it was swallowed up during a cataclysm caused by Zeus.

With a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, this ocean jasper is highly prized by

Ocean jasper is known to strengthen memory and concentration. It is recommended for students or anyone following training.

A true anchoring stone, ocean jasper allows you to fully enjoy the present, without reliving painful memories and without fearing the future. It allows you to manage your emotions and face life's difficulties. It improves morale thanks to its positive vibrations.

Ocean jasper releases stress, anxiety and shyness. It provides assurance and self-confidence. It gives the strength to face reality and avoid running away from it.

This stone is said to be a stone of joy and good humor. It brings lightness and serenity.

Stone of optimism, ocean jasper protects from surrounding negativity and keeps away people with harmful influences.

Ocean jasper is a stone of love and openness to others. It develops kindness and understanding towards others. It provides compassion and empathy to people, especially during painful events.

It is a valuable support for people going through difficult and complicated ordeals. It releases negativity in order to appreciate the many benefits of existence.

Ocean jasper protects from bad influences. It opens your eyes to the true nature of certain people around you.

Bracelet jaspe océan bleu Etats-Unis A+ (boules 5-6mm)

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