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Almandine red garnet bracelet Pakistan A (10mm balls)


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24,90 €
Regular price
24,90 €
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24,90 €
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Origin: Pakistan
Grade: A

Approximately 18cm - Fits all wrists with a size of 17 to 19cm.

About 30g


A= good

Very beautiful elastic bracelet made of 10mm garnet balls
Patterns and colors may vary from one bracelet to another

Almandine red garnets belong to the garnet group and are silicates with cubic crystallization. These are the best known garnets. Almandine is part of the iron pole of garnets. Moreover, this red color is due to the presence of iron. So, almandine garnet has colors that can be brown red, brick red or purple red.

Almandine red garnet stone is an iron and aluminum silicate found in metamorphic, volcanic rocks and more rarely in pegmatites.

Nowadays, almandine red garnet is used for gemological purposes. However, its hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale gives it another purpose. Historically, it is ground into powder and used as an abrasive. In fact, this stone is much less rare than sapphire or ruby ​​and is used for engraving agates, ivories and quartz. It is also used to roughen and polish the stones mentioned above.

The most beautiful specimens are intended for jewelry, to be faceted or cut. Most of the time, almandines are carved in the shape of a cabochon and thus allow light to pass through. The faceted cut is mainly intended for the most transparent pieces, those of a bright red. Also, those of lower quality make it possible to make beads for fancy necklaces or bracelets.

Historically, garnets have been known for some time. Theophrastus, philosopher of ancient Greece (-372 / -287 BC) discovered them and named them “anthrax” meaning “coal”. Then, Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist (23-79 AD) called the Almandine garnet “carbunculus” or “burning coal” because of its flaming red color.

In 1270, Albert the Great, German theologian and philosopher (1193-1280) called this stone “malum granatum” or “grain apple” or “pomegranate”. He gave it this name because of this beautiful red color reminiscent of pomegranate seeds.

Almandine red garnet has often been confused with other kinds of minerals such as ruby ​​and spinels. It is its hardness that differentiates it from these minerals.

Since ancient times, this red mineral has had many uses. In the Bible, Almandine garnet served as a lantern for Noah to guide his ark in the flood.

The Vikings organized their funeral ceremonies and incorporated the red stone to accompany their dead on the path to paradise.

In Rome, ancient Egypt or Greece, Almandine red garnet was used to cut sculptures representing faces or animals.

More recently, in Asia, warriors from Pakistan used this mineral to make ammunition to replace lead bullets. They credited it with more deadly power when they fought against the British.

In France, the manufacture of jewelry in garnets, pyropes or almandines is a specialty of the city of Perpignan. The garnets come from the Canigou massif.

The main deposits are located in Pakistan, USA, Canada, Sri Lanka, etc.

Almandine red garnet is strongly not recommended for people who are too nervous, tense or hyperstressed. It would only accentuate these character traits. On the other hand, it is perfect for calm and composed people.

Almandine red garnet has the particularity of energizing and stimulating its wearer. It is very suitable for those who are hesitant, who cannot decide. This stone allows you to analyze situations calmly and make the right decisions. Thus, it encourages commitments to new personal or professional projects.

This red mineral is known to absorb negativity released by others or by oneself. It gives assurance and great self-confidence. It fights against states of intense sadness, provides joy and well-being.

It is a stone of transformation. It helps to overcome life's difficulties and teaches you to be positive. It generates strength and a balanced mind. Furthermore, it facilitates the achievement of ambitions.

The positive energy that Almandine red garnet gives off soothes worries, irrational fears and anxieties. This mineral gives a feeling of security and safety. It strengthens courage and determination.

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