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Gabbro Madagascar A+ bracelet (mystical Merlinite) 10mm balls


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29,90 €
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29,90 €
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29,90 €
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Origin: Madagascar
Grade: A+

Approximately 18cm - Fits all wrists measuring approximately 17 to 19cm

About 30g


A+ = high

Bracelet composed of 10mm mystical Gabbro or Maerlinite balls
Colors and patterns may vary from one stone to another

Gabbro is an igneous plutonic rock, meaning it formed as a result of relatively slow cooling of magma. This formation took place deep in the earth's crust. Gabbro has a grainy texture such as granite, syenite, etc. This means that this rock is composed of minerals visible to the naked eye.

This rock is essentially composed of pyroxene and feldspar. Pyroxene is a mineral belonging to the large silicate family. This is a silicate of calcium, magnesium and iron, which is found in eruptive rocks. Feldspar is also a mineral with the composition of a sodium, potassium or calcium aluminosilicate.

Gabbro is one of the main constituents of oceanic crust, the part of the Earth's crust that forms the oceans. But gabbro is not only present on Earth. Indeed, it makes up part of the rocks on the surface of the moon.

Gabbro comes from the partial fusion of mantle peridotite (main rock of the upper mantle). The Earth's mantle is a part of the globe between the crust and the core. This rock has undergone complete crystallization through slow cooling and has phenocrysts. A phenocryst is a crystal visible to the naked eye, which can reach the size of one millimeter to ten centimeters.

This rock has a grainy structure with green and black colors. It is composed of pyroxene (natural calcium, magnesium and iron silicate), amphibole (iron and magnesium silicate), and olivine (mineral from the silicate group). These components give it this dark color.

Gabbro owes its name to Christian Leopold Von Buck, German geologist (1774 - 1853). Indeed, this geologist was carrying out a study on volcanic rocks when he discovered this rock in the small town called Gabbro. This city is located in Tuscany - Italy.

Nowadays, this rock is widely used in the manufacture of breakwaters to replace concrete. It thus offers the advantage of promoting the recolonization of the substrate by corals.

For the record, this stone is also called “the mystical merlinite”, because of the powers attributed to it. Mystical Merlinite refers to the wizard Merlin, from the time of King Arthur.

King Arthur or Arthur Pendragon was a Breton lord, who valiantly fought against Germanic invaders at the end of the 5th century and the beginning of the 6th century. He defended the Celtic peoples of the British Isles and Brittany. It is said that he owes his birth to Merlin, both legendary character and magician prophet. Merlin uses his spells to allow Arthur to gain power. He then becomes advisor to King Arthur and his knights.

This mythical character with a pointy hat and white beard has many powers. He is at the same time man of the forest, astrologer, soothsayer, druid, wise scholar, magician and sorcerer. And above all, he holds knowledge of the secrets of the stones.

It should be noted that the name mystical merlinite is a purely commercial name.

The main deposits of gabbro are located in Madagascar.

Gabbro is a rock that is relatively rare. This rock combines the properties of the many minerals that compose it. Thus, it has great energy power. It makes you stronger, because it offers incomparable support. In fact, it helps effectively combat stress and fatigue. In addition, it provides vitality and energy, conducive to change.

Indeed, this rock facilitates decisions regarding new beginnings, both at the family level and at the professional level. It is ideal for all new entrepreneurs, because it gives the strength to take on new challenges.

Gabbro is a stone of change. It helps you follow your resolutions with discernment. Thanks to its protective virtues, it keeps away people filled with negativity, who are in fact obstacles to new things. Gabbro makes it clear that life is in perpetual motion and that we must escape the daily routine. Furthermore, living in the past is an obstacle to personal development.

Gabbro brings mental clarity in all important decision-making. At the same time, it is of primary help in self-acceptance. It allows you to make peace with the past and overcome the mistakes made. It encourages forgiveness and self-love. It is said to balance the conscious and subconscious, the intellect and intuition, the masculine and the feminine.

Bracelet Gabbro Madagascar A+ (Merlinite mystique) boules 10mm

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