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Kyanite or kyanite bracelet India A (baroque pearls)


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9,90 €
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9,90 €
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9,90 €
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Origin: India
Grade: A

Approx 17-18cm - Fits all wrists with a size of 17-19cm



A = good

Elastic bracelet made of baroque kyanite stones
Patterns or colors may vary from bracelet to bracelet

Blue cyanite is a natural stone that belongs to the silicate group. It comes from metamorphic rocks (rocks transformed during changes in temperature and/or pressure). This mineral can have various names. They depend on the mineralogists who studied it.

The term cyanite comes from Abraham Gottlob Werner (1750 - 1817), mineralogist and geologist who named it thus in 1789. This stone can be called cyanite or kyanite, coming from the Greek “kuanos” which means “blue shine” or “deep blue”.

However, later in 1801, the French mineralogist René-Just Haüy (1743 - 1822) gave it the name disthene, explaining it by “di”, meaning two and “destenos” meaning force. This name refers to the different electrical properties of the stone, depending on the direction of the crystal.

The stone has inherited other names such as sappare, blue talc, cyanite zeolite, etc. It occurs in the form of lamellar or tabular prismatic crystals. Sometimes, these crystals are similar to mica, because they follow the folds of the rock. It has a hardness of between 4 and 7 on the Mohs scale.

It usually contains traces of metals such as chromium, magnesium, calcium and iron. It can be transparent to translucent, have a glassy or pearly appearance.

Kyanite can have several colors, including blue. In fact, it has such an intense blue color that after being polished, it resembles a sapphire. Thus, it was not until the twentieth century that it was recognized as a mineral in its own right.

This confusion is the source of the difficulties in tracing the exact history of this stone. However, it is said that this stone was used as a compass during Antiquity. The cyanite was then attached to a hair of travelers. It functioned like the needle of a compass. Its electrical qualities allowed one to guide oneself thanks to the electromagnetic field of the Earth, which provides a reliable means of orientation and protects against solar radiation. Thus, great travelers wore a cyanite when they went to discover unknown lands.

Nowadays, kyanite is relatively little used in jewelry because of its fragility. However, it remains a good alternative to sapphire, the latter having a much higher price. In jewelry, it is mainly made into earrings or pendants. Be careful not to subject it to shock, because this stone remains fragile.

On the other hand, collectors are fond of this gem in the form of cabochon or in the form of rectangular crystals. Kyanite is also found in industry and in the manufacture of ceramics.

The main deposits are in India, Brazil, Canada, China, etc.

Blue cyanite has a particularly powerful energetic power. It is a stone of balance, because it helps to combat hesitations and indecisions. It is very suitable for people suffering from shyness and complexes. It soothes anxieties, anxiety and anger. Thanks to its calming qualities, it encourages people to fight their fears and move forward.

It helps to defuse conflicts by promoting quality exchanges. Then, it provides stability in mood and a certain balance of emotions. Excellent as an anti-stress stone, it helps to keep calm and seek the solution in case of a problem.

It facilitates communication and can be very useful during negotiations. It promotes good eloquence and public speaking. It encourages people to express themselves freely.

This stone calms brutality and violence. It can be extremely beneficial for adolescents in full rebellion. In fact, it can overcome problems of social integration and encourage self-acceptance.

In addition, blue cyanite makes the development of projects concrete. This stone is also said to boost memory and improve the quality of sleep.

Bracelet cyanite ou disthène Inde A (perles baroques)

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