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Lemon chrysoprase bracelet Brazil B (7-8mm balls)


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12,90 €
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12,90 €
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12,90 €
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Origin: Australia
Grade: B

Approximately 18cm - Fits all wrists measuring approximately 17 to 19cm.

About 25g


B = Medium

Bracelet made of 7-8mm Brazilian lemon chrysoprase balls
Patterns and colors may vary from one item to another.

The lemon chrysoprase stone is a variety of chalcedony (fibrous form of quartz) translucent, rather pale yellow to very light anise green. Its color is determined by the percentage of nickel oxide and the hydrated silicates it contains. Its main difference from chrysoprase is its paler color, as chrysoprase is an intense green color. Lemon chrysoprase can be transparent to opaque.

On the other hand, its etymology and the legends relating to it remain the same as those of chrysoprase. Its name comes from two Greek terms, “chrysos” and “praso” meaning “golden leek”. It was named so because of its beautiful very pale yellow to intense green colors. Some people sometimes call it “Venus stone”. The largest chrysoprase in the world was discovered in Australia and weighs 16,400 kg.

This chrysoprase stone is one of the fine stones of which traces can be found in many ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. During archaeological excavations, jewelry, ornamental objects and seals were discovered made of chrysoprase. The distinction between chrysoprase and lemon chrysoprase is not made clearly in the writings discussing this stone.

In the Bible, the city of New Jerusalem is described precisely. The construction of the wall is detailed and it seems that it was built with precious stones and fine stones including chrysoprase stone.

Pliny the Elder (23 - 79 AD), Roman naturalist writer, mentions this stone in his famous encyclopedia entitled Natural History.

Albertus Magnus (1200 - 1280), Dominican friar, philosopher, naturalist and chemist says that Alexander the Great (356 - 323 BC) never parted with his chrysoprase when he went to battle. This stone brought him luck, because he never lost any fight. It allowed him to establish extremely strategic plans and make the right attack choices. One day, a snake snatched his chrysoprase attached to his belt and fled into a river. Alexander the Great never found his favorite stone and has not won a fight since.

In the Middle Ages, it was claimed that this stone had the power of invisibility. All you had to do was put it in your mouth and the person became invisible! Another belief indicated that when chrysoprase was in the presence of poison, it changed color and alerted its owner.

Frederick II of Prussia (1712 - 1786) appreciated this stone so much that he decorated it everywhere in his palace and even on his furniture.

During the Victorian era, many pieces of jewelry were made with this stone, including cameos, rings, beads and cabochons.

Nowadays, this stone is mainly used in jewelry. Indeed, it has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale and is used in the manufacture of many jewelry. It should be noted that if a jewelry repair with this stone is to be carried out, it should absolutely not be heated. Indeed, this stone is very sensitive to heat and the sun's rays.

The main deposits are in Australia and Brazil.

Generally, lemon chrysoprase has the same virtues as chrysoprase. However, she seems to be more optimistic, encourages hope and intuitions. It promotes positive thinking and chases away dark thoughts.

It is a stone of comfort, it allows certain people to socialize and open up to others. It helps to overcome complexes, inhibitions and provides more self-confidence. It encourages acceptance of oneself and others. It provokes forgiveness, compassion and harmonizes relationships between people.

Lemon chrysoprase guides its wearer in decision-making and helps them deal with complicated situations. It instills wisdom and gives confidence when making choices. In fact, it improves the perception of things and allows you to act in a frank and determined manner. It engenders a finesse of mind, very useful in the business world. Thus, it can bring fortune and prosperity. It is also said to stimulate creativity and imagination.

It also promotes loyalty and sincerity, whether at the family or professional level. In fact, it encourages trust and sincerity. It facilitates public speaking and generates beautiful eloquence.

This stone releases stress, it soothes and reduces negative thoughts and emotions. It relaxes and promotes quality nights, free from nightmares. It gives restorative and peaceful sleep. It is even known to relieve claustrophobia.

Bracelet Chrysoprase citron Brésil B (boules 7-8mm)

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