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Mexico orange calcite bracelet A (baroque pearls)


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4,90 €
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4,90 €
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4,90 €
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Origin: Mexico
Grade: A

Approx 18cm - Fits all wrists from 17 to 19cm in size

About 10g


A = good

Elastic bracelet made of orange calcite baroque stones

Patterns and colors may vary from bracelet to bracelet

Orange calcite belongs to the large calcite family. It is one of the most widespread minerals throughout the world. It can be composed mainly of calcium carbonate and be of great purity. Thus, it can be found completely white or transparent. Iceland spar illustrates the beautiful example of white calcite. Its crystals of fabulous clarity and purity can be of an impressive size, up to 25 m long.

Slight differences in mineralogical composition and various inclusions of metals give calcites their colors. Inclusions of iron, zinc, lead, magnesium, copper, manganese, nickel, aluminum, vanadium, strontium, chromium, cobalt or molybdenum have been recorded. The rate of metal present in calcite changes the nature of the stone. Indeed, calcite keeps its name as long as the calcium rate remains in the majority. Therefore, if the dominant metal in the stone is:

  • manganese, it will be a rhodochrosite;

  • iron, it will be a siderite;

  • zinc, it will be a smithsonite;

  • cobalt, it will be a spherocobaltite;

  • magnesium, it will be a magnesite;

  • strontium, it will be a strontianocalcite;

  • lead, it will be a plumnocalcite;

  • etc.

Orange calcite is relatively widespread, but there are other more or less rare colors such as pink, red, brown, black, yellow, blue or green. Orange calcite is characterized by a rhombohedral type crystal system. It is a polymorphic crystal, which occurs in various forms, such as those of an elongated prism, tablets, or earthy, etc.

Highly effervescent with nitric acid, a calcite can disappear completely. Furthermore, it can produce a certain fluorescence but its main quality is birefringence. This is a singular faculty caused by light. Objects observed through a pure calcite appear double.

There are no legends about calcite in various mythologies or in stories passed down through the ages. We only know that the Egyptians already had objects or statuettes carved from calcite stones.

Pliny the Elder originally named a mineral “calx”, a Latin word meaning limestone. Later, the origin of the name calcite was explained by the Latin “calcis”, meaning lime.

Since the 17th century, calcite has been the subject of much study due to its optical characteristics and the special cleavage of the stone. Thus, much research was carried out. Then, they gave rise to the attribution of different names attributed to calcite, such as carbonated lime, aphrite, calcareous spar and even focobonite.

Calcite is arguably one of the most common minerals on earth. It is one of the most common constituents of limestone and marble rocks.

The main deposits are in Brazil, Mexico, the United States, etc.

The vibrational energy of orange calcite clears thoughts and balances emotions. Wearing orange calcite increases memory and assimilation abilities. This allows for optimized reflections and keeps negative waves away so as not to disturb concentration.

This stone provides energy and vitality. It allows you to carry out projects, whether artistic, craft or simply creative. It gives you the strength and determination to start from scratch. It is said that this stone brings money into the home.

This crystal releases the energy of the sun, helps to cure shyness, indecision. This orange calcite stone stimulates the qualities of courage and determination in order to overcome one's fears and doubts. It is an excellent stone to fight against states of intense sadness and find the strength to fight. It helps to regain a taste for life and overcome lethargy.

It is a soothing and calming stone, which brings a feeling of security. It gives the strength to overcome shyness and to give self-confidence, while removing what is heavy, painful and dark.

Orange calcite is a very good sexual stimulant because it releases blockages from the past. In addition, it develops sensuality.

Bracelet calcite orange Mexique A (perles baroques)

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