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China A biotite bracelet (3-4mm balls)


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14,90 €
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14,90 €
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14,90 €
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Origin: China
Grade: A

18cm - Fits all wrists with a size of 17 to 19cm

About 5g


A = good

Bracelet made of 3-4mm biotite balls.
Colors and patterns may vary from one stone to another.

Biotite has no particular legend. It is said to be an anchoring stone, which connects us to nature.

This stone was studied by the French physicist Jean-Baptiste Biot, who gave it its name. It can accommodate other minerals such as emerald, ruby, kyanite. Biotite belongs to the micas group, it has iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, fluorine and lithium.

Biotite is a mineral belonging to the silicate group, subgroup of phyllosilicates and the micas family. Jean-Baptiste Biot also studied its optical properties.

Since 1998-1999, this stone is no longer recognized as a species by the International Association of Mineralogy. The term biotite is part of a series with phlogopite, siderophyllite, annite and eastonite and can be considered a synonym. In reality, this term refers to micas of dark to black colors with a submetallic, glassy, ​​or even pearly appearance.

Phlogopite is found in igneous rocks (rocks that formed after magma cooled and solidified) and siderophyllite in pegmatites (igneous rocks with very large crystals). As for the annite, we can say that it is the iron end member of the group. Regarding eastonite, we know that its name was given by Samuel Herbert Hamilton, following its discovery in Easton, Pennsylvania.

Mica is said to be the name of a family of minerals and, along with quartz and feldspar, is one of the components of granite.

Mica is a material used thanks to its electrical insulating and heat resistance properties. It is manufactured industrially and transformed into mica paper. Then, we unroll the reels of mica paper. They can then be cut into sheets, which are stacked on top of each other. They can also be packaged in lengths, which then make ribbons.

In many cases, mica has replaced asbestos because of its resistance to high temperatures or it is used to fight fires.

Biotite is a black mica containing iron and magnesium. Like all micas, it can be cut into very thin sheets. It is used in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment, insulation materials, paint, etc. Biotite is found in the composition of certain jewelry because of its aesthetic and decorative appearance.

Its main deposits are in China, the United States, Australia, Germany and Italy.

This stone brings softness, security and comfort. It is very useful for soothing anxiety, and even spasmophilia attacks. It allows the release of resentment and anger buried deep within oneself. It promotes introspection and helps to understand what is not working in our general state.

Biotite causes a certain open-mindedness: the wearer of biotite will tend to be more flexible, less rigid and more understanding. In fact, this stone allows him to move forward in life while identifying the problems that block him in his progress.

Thus, once the problems have been identified, the wearer of this stone will be able to take action on their life. They are said to be excellent protection stones. They have a powerful link with the sun and eliminate bad influences or repel negative waves.

This stone causes the forgetting of past traumas. On the other hand, creativity and intuition develop, allowing one to live a more liberated and love-filled life. Wearing a biotite stone opens you to the world and its possibilities, with a lot of serenity.

Bracelet biotite Chine A (boules 3-4mm)

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