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Auralite-23 Canada A+ bracelet (5-6mm balls)


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18,90 €
Regular price
18,90 €
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18,90 €
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Origin: Canada
Grade: A+

18cm - Suitable for wrists of approximately 17 to 19cm.

About 15g

A+ = very good

Elastic bracelet made of 5-6mm auralite-23 balls.
Patterns and colors may vary from one stone to another.

Recently discovered in Canada, this energizing precious stone contains 23 different minerals.
Scientists have termed the crystal “AURALITE-23” as the “oldest gemstone in the world”
These Crystals, dating back approximately 1.2 billion years, were formed during the Mesoproterozoic age, when multicellular creatures began to emerge and flourish.
Through meteoric impacts several rare metallic ores were incorporated into its Amethyst nature, it is now called Auralite.

This crystal contains 35 elements from Mendeleev's periodic table.
In the crystal family, scientists have identified 23 elements and minerals to date. The Auralite-23 crystal contains at least 17 of the following stones: Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrocite, Uranopilite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite and Rutile.
This large amount of elements and minerals found in this crystal shows the integration of this crystal with different minerals. If plants digest different elements, this crystal is proof that stones also assimilate many elements. This universal energy of 23 elements builds a bridge with the divine, understand that it is therefore the best protection stone, to help you connect more easily with your guides and also bring a form of calm never before felt previously. It will also allow you to learn the best things about yourself and guide you in everyday life choices or decisions.

This stone also works with the higher chakras, but more precisely, develops a harmonious action throughout the body, and at all levels. Its action is calming, and acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual world.
It brings guidance and inner growth, autonomy and inspiration. It will help you understand your shortcomings and capabilities.
They relieve emotional pain, comfort and calm you in moments of sadness or emotional distress.
It helps you avoid unnecessary judgments, prejudices or even bad thoughts.
Used with so-called “turbulent” children, this stone will calm them, help them understand and facilitate their learning.
We advise you to work with this stone with patience, and get used to it for a while, as it sweeps away debris from our consciousness, illusions and mental obsessions.
It looks similar to Amethyst, but its color is slightly different, and there are specific layers that are white, (chevron) that are visible. but also, in some cases, a lot of red, visible at the top in the large crystals.
These are the best qualities of Auralite, very powerful protectors.

Bracelet Auralite-23 Canada A+ (boules 5-6mm)

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