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Green apatite bracelet Madagascar A (3-4mm balls)


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19,90 €
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19,90 €
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19,90 €
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Origin: Madagascar
Grade: A

Approximately 18cm - Fits all wrists from 17 to 19cm

About 6g


A = good

Very beautiful bracelet composed of 3-4mm green apatite balls
Patterns and colors may vary from one bracelet to another

Green apatite is part of the apatite family, which comes in various colors. Indeed, there is green, blue, purple, yellow, pink, red, brown apatite. We have not found any legend relating to this stone.

In reality, it was discovered and identified late. In 1786, the German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner named this stone apatite, from the word apatan which means to deceive in Greek. Indeed, this stone with its different colors has often been confused with others. For example, apatite with its many complexions
If we return to Greek mythology, Apate is the deity of trickery, deception and fraud. It is one of the evils that have been released from Pandora's box. For the record, Pandora is the first woman created by Zeus to punish humanity after Prometheus stole fire from men.
Zeus gave Pandora a box which contained all the evils of the world. Pandora was never going to open it, but she couldn't help herself. Immediately, all evils such as old age, illness, war, famine, misery, madness, vice, deception (Apaté), passion, pride escaped and fell on men. Pandora tried to close the box, but it was too late, only hope remained trapped inside.
Apatite, as a stone, is commonly used in the chemical industry. Indeed, it is a source of phosphorus and we find it in particular in the composition of artificial fertilizers.
Apatite, offering gem-like qualities, is used in the manufacture of jewelry. It can be cut in facet or cabochon form, thus highlighting its magnificent colors.
It should be noted that this stone is the only stone present in the human body. It is a calcium phosphate that is also found in animals, and even in fish. Our nails are made up of 65% of this phosphate, our teeth and their enamel also have it.
This stone is found in many rocks, whatever their nature: magmatic, sedimentary, metamorphic.
Green apatite is suitable for therapists (magnetizers, kinesiologists, energeticians) as well as lithotherapy enthusiasts. Green apatite is more effective for working the heart chakra.
This stone is very often used as a decorative object because of its particular shine and its crystalline reflections.

Apatite is found on all continents. Its main deposits are located in Madagascar, Mexico, Brazil, China, Portugal, and even in France.

In Lithotherapy, green apatite has many virtues, notably those specific to apatites in general. But it has some particularities specific to its color.

Apatite is a stone that helps overcome emotional troubles and excesses thanks to its soothing properties. Particularly sensitive people can feel calm and soothing by carrying this stone with them.

Indeed, it eliminates confusional states and thanks to its positive action, it stimulates the development of self-knowledge. It promotes introspection, which makes it possible to identify the sources of problems that affect the mind, and even the body. Thus, it is favorable to personal development.

Green Apatite is a heart connection stone. This stone rebalances the wisdom of the mind with the emotion of the heart, which is very helpful in overcoming life's difficulties. It is strongly recommended in cases of heartbreak. It is a stone that is particularly suitable for adolescents, while structuring their mental and physical development.

Green apatite is said to be a stone of manifestation, promoting openness to others. Thus, it removes shyness and restores self-confidence. Which frees the wearer of this stone and gives him the courage to meet others.

Bracelet apatite verte Madagascar A (boules 3-4mm)

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