Gypsum is a soft, translucent mineral, consisting primarily of hydrated calcium sulfate. Its color can range from white to gray, including shades of pink, yellow, and even orange, depending on the impurities present. Gypsum occurs in many different forms, the purest and most transparent of which is selenite , a type of gypsum prized for its spiritual properties. Gypsum is widely distributed in nature, and is often mined in large slabs or crystals.
Gypsum can form in several forms, among which the best known are:
• Selenite : Transparent, luminous crystals that can be carved into wands or spheres. Selenite is often used for its energetic and spiritual properties.
• Pink Gypsum (Sand Rose) : Gypsum crystallizes in rosette shapes, often in desert environments, resulting in structures resembling roses. The sand rose is a form particularly appreciated for its natural beauty.
• Fibrous gypsum (satin spar) : Fibrous form, with silky sheen, used for decorative applications.
Gypsum is known for its gentle and calming energies. Its subtle vibration makes it an ideal stone for meditation, purification and healing practices.